Best way to go about large amounts of Wanikani Lessons

I was wondering, i just gured all of my kanji and now am in level 5. I have 122 lessons to do now.

Should I do 8-20 lessons per day or knock out them all in one or 2 goes. Im working full time over the school holidays so I don’t have a lot of time.


It’s really up to preference. I like going really fast through the levels, doing lessons when I get them. When there’s a really big clump of lessons (more than 60), I usually do split it up over sequential hours though (around 30/40 per hour).

Other people like to take it slower, doing say, 20 lessons per day, or even less to help keep reviews more manageable.

If you can handle a lot of reviews, and want to go fast, then go ahead and do all the lessons at once, otherwise probably do take it slower.

Edit: Didn’t see the part that you were working. In that case, you probably should limit your daily lesson count, unless you are 100% confident that you can handle a large number of reviews.

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Probably better to do a certain amount a day. What number will work for you, depends on how much time you have for reviews (and lessons). And it is good to remember that workload of reviews increases as guru 2nd and master and enlightened items come in for their reviews down the line.

So it can be good to not do so many lessons that your time is fully spent on reviews now, instead leave a little room so next week (and month, etc.) when higher stage items comes in, you have the time in your schedule to do those too.


Depends on your tolerance for reviews.

If you don’t got much time, I would start by splitting lessons into 20 per day to keep your reviews consistent, otherwise you end up with big piles of reviews some days and smaller in others. Also, you may want a reorder script to put radicals and then Kanji ahead of vocab if you want to keep a steady pace of new content.

Basically from that point you can adjust up or down to where you are comfortable;.or even drop it to zero when you feel overwhelmed Also keep in mind that amount of reviews will increase at certain points: 1 week, 2 weeks, 1 month and 6 months from when you start. At the 6 month mark plus a couple of weeks is where your amount of reviews should max out and remain steady. At that point you may need to drop the amount of lessons.


Most users set a limit on how many lessons per day. that way you regulate the amount of lesser oer days a well. If you want more? just up the amount of lessons per day. Feeling overwhelmed, lower the amount of lessons per day, or simply stop doing lessons for a while.

In any case, think of the amount of lessons you do as your gas pedal.

Now for myself, I had lots of immersion learning before doing WK, games in Japenese, audio dramas and what not and had lots of vocab onboard. I had less knowledge about kanji for sure. But, my starting point was nothing like someone that has just started taking an interest in Japanese and learnt kana.

You just have to know yourself and gauge how far you can push yourself, while being fine with the learning burden. It’s all different for different people. You do you. Don’t compare too much with others and simply chip away your lessons at a pace you find enjoyable. Finding joy in this whole thing is the most important thing I believe, as you’re devoting considerable time (1 year at the least) to it. :slight_smile: Good luck! :+1:

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With 20 lessons a day, given you reorder kanji to come first, you already go max speed. That’s not slower. Doing all the lessons at once is just unnecessarily making the workload more uneven and harder to remember at once.


I was just giving an example based on a number that seemed feasible to me, but yeah I really shouldn’t have been accepted as the answer here.

Edit: there’s way too many variables for one person to give a complete answer, I have a lot of time to be able to do lessons and reviews, others don’t, some use scripts while I just go full vanilla etc.


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