Mainingu, a new free app to learn with japanese anime and dramas flashcards

Hi everybody,

I would like to introduce my web app Mainingu!:hugs:

It is completely free, no upgrade plans and no ads at all :slight_smile:

Feel free to use Mainingu to discover new Japanese sentences and practice your listening skills. Trying to catch the hidden word in each flashcard containing a video context (your favorite anime or drama).

It also includes a SRS feature so you can come back from time to your deck to review.

Please tell me how you like it and how I could further improve it :slight_smile: :kissing_heart:



I just registered, it looks great! Can’t wait for more content.

Also, I can’t believe how many people on here are programmers and how many people who study Japanese and like Japan are also in tech and are continuously using their coding skills to make language learning tools and scripts etc. Y’all are too awesome!


Sometimes I click on Again/Got it/Easy buttons and the page has problems loading a new card. I need to click again for it to proceed :v:

EDIT: I assume that the content available is not completed?

Reminds me a bit of SuperNative - Level up your Japanese but I like it. :+1:

The first thing I’m missing is shortcuts for the buttons. I tried a couple different shortcuts but they all seem to mark a card as “again”. At least that’s what I’m guessing the red bar on top is about.


That’s true there are many developers also learning Japanese haha, this is probably because there are many geeks in these two disciplines :grin: also japanese is an easy language to analyze and programming tools can easily bring added value!

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This sound like a bug, thanks for reporting. But I am cannot reproduce it on my environment, whats is your browser and OS? Does it happen systematically?

When you answer « correct » a new card, it becomes a « learning » (red) card. If you answer it correct once again it becomes a « review » (green) for the next day. Let me know if it doesnt work like that.

Thanks! Those were the ones I was trying to use. When I press “2” I still get red entries in the progress bar. Or maybe I’m misinterpreting that bar? I just tried pressing “good” with the mouse and I still get those red entries so I’m guess that bar is just confusing me and I had no other way to tell if the shortcuts did what I thought they would do.

I started using your app today, I am enjoying it so far but sometimes a card will reload after I have viewd and seen the answer. I am using it on Android in chrome. So far I have only noticed it when selecting Easy.

It’s happening with ‘Got it’ too.

I don’t want to sign up to a service I can’t really look at beforehand. Could you perhaps provide some screenshots that show the general layout and what the application can do? :blush::sparkles:

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Hey, thanks for the feedback. When you answer a card « easy » normally you should not see it again in your session, if so there may be a bug…I just tried on my side and I cant reproduice the issue on chrome mobile. Do you find a way to reproduice it systematically? Any other hints that coukd help me to find out how to reproduice (your OS?)? :thinking:

It’s not that I see it later in the session it basically repeats the same card without autoplaying the movie.
I’m on Android 8.0 Oreo.

OK. This really sounds like a bug… let me try to reproduce it and my old galaxy s3 and update you! thanks a lot.

Hope those quick shots can make you feel less suspicious :wink:


Hahaha, suspecious is not the right word. I just don’t like entering my email address on websites I don’t know just to access them. I think that’s pretty reasonable :blush::sparkles:~

Thank you so much for the screenshots! I’m a happy unyuu now! :sparkling_heart::sparkles:


@0ctag0n, I have enabled the session recorder on Mainingu so I will be able to see in details what you did and what is your configuration. Would you mind to try again to reproduce the issue please?

alright, thank you for all this love there :sweat_smile:

I tried it and it looks fun.
I can memorise the phrases the characters speak, memomise as flashcard. It is good to show N4,N5 level of the vocabularies.I tried dragon ball. Looking forward to having more videos. thanks for your sharing.

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