Here it is, the big one zero! Been having a great and interesting journey so far and thought I would share my experiences with you all
When I first started WaniKani, I was all over the place. I randomly did lessons throughout the day (5 here, maybe another 5 there), and always had a WaniKani tab open to check for reviews every hour or just randomly throughout the day. I started realizing this isn’t very efficient, as level ups took longer than I would like (about 12 days on average) and I wasn’t doing so great on my review sessions.
Around level 6 or so I finally decided to stick to a 9-1-9 schedule and it has been working great ever since! Every morning at 9 am I clear out my reviews, then do my lessons for the day (more on that in a bit). Then, I leave and come back at 1 pm to clear out reviews again, and do the same at 9 pm. This has helped so much! I’m more accurate as I sort of know what to expect to show up in my reviews, and I don’t have to worry about constantly being on WaniKani all day.
As for lessons, I’m still trying to figure out a good pace/schedule. Right now, I’m aiming for 20 lessons/day while trying to keep apprentice items hovering at or around 100. This is not bad, but I notice there are times when there will be less than 20 lessons available, and things will start getting a bit slow for a few days until items start hitting guru. I tried to remedy this by using the lesson filter script, which has been a double edged sword for me
On the one hand, it lets me do radicals/kanji early to ensure there are always more than 20 lessons available. This is great as doing this for levels 7-8 worked well and they ended up being my quickest levels (around 8-9 days). On the other hand though, it started to get a little out of hand and the lessons piled on reeeal quick (a little too quick…), so I dialed back the reordering, and started hitting a bit of a slow point with 0 lessons again in level 9.
Overall, I’m still trying to find a balance in using the lesson filter script to ensure there are always sufficient lessons available, but not abusing it too much so that it gets overwhelming. I’m sure I’ll get there soon enough!
Speaking of scripts, they have been soooo good for enhancing the WaniKani experience. Thank you to everyone who puts time and effort into creating them! I still find myself discovering and tinkering with new scripts and love personalization aspect of it all.
Now that I am level 10, I am finally going to take the plunge to start learning grammar! I have been following Tofugu’s guide to learning Japanese, and listened to their recommendation of reaching level 10 on WaniKani first. Well, here I am! Not sure how I will go about grammar yet, but so far I am looking at Genki I to get myself started. Can’t wait!
Looking forward to continuing my journey and perfecting my schedule and daily routine. Thanks to everyone in the community for being so supportive, I love lurking around here as well as interacting with the community! See you all around!
P.S. I think I may have been robbed of my level 9 level-up email I have received one for every level, but somehow not for level 9, and I always look forward to those on level-up. Has anyone else run into this?