First post, yay! I am currently on level 14. And I just got lessons for lower level Vocabulary and now I am extremely confused.
One of the vocabulary I know I have seen before!
These are the Vocabulary I got:
札, 以後, 使用, 番号札, 特選, 人参
The levels are in this order:
7, 7, 9, 10, 10, 13, 14
The only one that makes sense to me is 人参 which is my current level. All the other Vocabulary is unfamiliar except 札. I already knew the reading and meaning.
So can someone help clear this up for me? I am confused.
ARGH! I had wondered why I had a review for 首位, which I was sure I had never seen before but was almost all the way to guru. Had me questioning whether there was a bug that affected other items as well, or whether I had been doing lessons/reviews in my sleep. The label/tag thing also kinda gaslighted me.
When changes like this occur, it would be nice if they put a notice right up front our dashboards, rather than expecting everybody to constantly check the forums or the blog. And maybe put a notice on the item’s page explaining that it recently changed?