Hi everyone,
I used to use Wanikani aged ago, but I stopped for pretty awhile now.
I would like to get back on the track, but I don’t know which level I’m right now.
I have been studying the kanji and the vocabulary from Japanese elementary school textbooks in a hard way - writing them down multiple times- which worked very well for me. I’m now capable of reading Japanese materials with ease, but the issue here is that I need to review what I learned every day because reading is not enough, to be honest.
Japanese elementary school textbooks are covering almost every aspect of life, and some important vocab that I learned fade away with time because I didn’t encounter them that much in the books I’m reading.
Anyway, What I want to know is what level I’m right now in Wanikani? I got over with all kanji from first grade to fourth with the vocabulary, and I’m studying the fifth right now. it’s about 640 kanji in total. So which level is that here?
idk, but you can use that idigtech site to compare what you know with the stuff across levels
Why does it matter though? I mean you can’t skip levels on WK, so even if you were level 20 or something, it wouldn’t change anything on here.
Thank you.
I checked it out.
Yeah, I know we can’t skip levels here. I would like to know which level here covered the vocab I learned.
Best to think that WaniKani doesn’t truly aim to teach vocab, but Kanji meaning, Kun and On readings. So, it is a different track from vocab.
Maybe, you should try 漢検スタート which is an iOS/Android app. Or, you might compare with 漢字検定級. You should know that it doesn’t correlate with JLPT, though.
Oh, I noticed before that WaniKani focuses more on the other things. But you know, Japanese is all about how to read and understand these kanji in context as words. That’s why I didn’t actually try to learn the on/kun readings separately from the combination of kanji to form words. There are hundreds of kanji that share the same reading. Back then it gots me confused when I learned them out of context. It was a real “mission impossible” to me. So I just gave up! I learned Japanese really in a messy way. But I found Japanese elementary school drills much better organized than any textbook that was aimed at us, the foreigners. They combine the kanji that are related to each other in meanings and also can be words if you combine them. They repeat the words throughout the years’ drills in simple sentences and do not use any advance kanji unless they were going to appear soon in an upcoming lesson. Anyway, I don’t know if wanikani will help me, but I will try. Thank you for the other recommendations I will check them out.
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