I started using WaniKani 7 years ago. Since then, a lot has happened.
I am now looking into restarting. I see there’s tons of topics on the subject. My burning questions are:
What’s the deal with userscripts nowadays? I remember seeing some sort of code refactoring that broke most if not all userscripts.
Is there any way to quickly mark content as known?
What’s the deal with the Daily Lessons now? Back in my day we had 120 pending Lessons and we liked it that way.
Has there been any big fundamental update to the content?
Userscripts still exist, and they are still updated, though because of some changes to the API (specifically the past reviews not being returned by it), some might not work the same way, and there were probably a couple that just straight up weren’t updated.
No there isn’t, the WK team is still adamant about their stance on not skipping anything.
That’s mainly for beginner’s or similar so people pace themselves. If you want to do all your lessons, you can click on advanced and pick exactly what you want to do.
The biggest is probably kana only vocab, words that are just useful in general, but don’t contain any kanji whatsoever. Besides that I don’t there were some items added, removed, renamed, moved, but nothing major.
Content gets moved around fairly frequently. So I don’t think too much has been added in a good while (besides the kana only vocab) but lots of things from older levels now might be taught earlier and vice versa.
Also many meanings and readings have been updated since you started so you will have to learn knew information for a certain amount of the material. This is a good thing since you will end up learning the more correct information but might be annoying at first.