I love long, convoluted sentences in Japanese. Maybe part of the language lends itself to an endless onslaught of clauses and sub-clauses, but sometimes I run into a sentence that is so long and just think “damn I love it”. Do any of you have a sentence that you’ve read recently and thought “damn that’s long”. No context necessary. Here’s one I found:
I also like long Japanese sentences, but they’re so overwhelming. It’s sort of annoying to reach the end of the phrase and forget what the whole thing is about. But it’s pretty cool either way. I’ve been reading Murakami Haruki’s “Sputnik Sweetheart” and it have a lot of long, descriptive passages that make it hard to follow.
Not a sentence, but something cool I’ve encountered recently is this extremely long construction: 高速リア充追尾式撲殺釘バット, from this song:
高速 high speed
リア充 person who is satisfied with his or her real (offline) life a.k.a. “normies”
追尾 following, pursuing, tracking
~式 (suffix) type, style
撲殺 beat to death
釘 nail (i.e. small metal spike)
バット bat (baseball etc.)