Loved it! Agree, timing would be awesome–I would love to be under pressure during these :).
If you do want to look at multiplayer for this, or even just an improved I/O model, you may want to look into Node.js.
Keep up the great work.
It has a lot of bugs. It says I’m wrong even if I write something correctly and it happens a lot, I would says about 50% of a time. Even though I check my spelling very carefully and use Chrome.
Altrag said... 'ti' needs to be recognized for ち. Failed several due to that habit lol (similarly 'tu' for つ, if its not already.. keepin' it real with the 五十音順 romanization!)Hey, I actually had put 'ti' and 'tu' in there for those characters. I'm not sure why they are not working for you though, as they are working on my end. Is there a particular instance you remembered where they failed or is this every single time? I'll keep testing to see if I can catch any dissonance otherwise...
Viet also noted a bit ago that the (current) matching algorithm is called Levenshtein distance and he even helpfully noted the numbers they use in this post. Or at least the numbers they used at the time of that post but I haven't noticed much difference in the past few weeks.
The algorithm doesn't look terribly complex going by a quick review of that Wikipedia page.. so if yer feeling ambitious, there's something else to add in!
Also thanks for the LD thing! This could really help!
Of course, I can’t find a word with ち in it today lol. I’ll keep trying for a bit :P.
Aside from that, it looks like ‘jyo’ and ‘jyu’ aren’t working for じょ and じゅ (and I don’t have much hope for ‘jya’ but haven’t run across one yet!)
Ahh just found a ち and ‘ti’ worked so maybe I was making some other mistake and not realizing it yesterday.