I am not really sure what it is supposed to mean? Actual and Literal.
“You’re doing pretty well!”
What about it is confusing?
中々 = very, fairly
やる = to do
じゃないか = is it not / are you not
中々やるじゃないか = Is it not the case that you are doing it well? / Aren’t you doing it well? / You’re doing it well.
I am totally guessing here, because I know very little, but it seems like an expression that means something quite different to its literal translation. I think it’s possibly a rhetorical question type thing where the じゃないか is only there to soften the 中々やる (very doing) part, so it more just like stating that the listener is doing something fairly well. Kind of like “Won’t you have something to eat?” instead of “Are you eating?”, or saying “Well, aren’t you doing well?” instead of just straight out saying “You’re doing well”.
TL;DR - Don’t listen to me, I don’t know what I’m talking about…
“Aren’t you quite doing it?”
I guess “quite” means quite good.
No qualms after reading the translation thoroughly, though.
I guess I just didn’t understand なかなか well enough. Or, I don’t know if なかなか qualifies as a grammar.
This one is probably much the same.
Don’t get hung up on one English word among many for 中々
Are you using monolingual dictionaries at all? It seems like a lot of your recent questions would be solved with them.
Apparently, monolingual version has a better and very direct explanation.
My grammar is still around N4, so isn’t there yet. I can still read with vocab knowledge, though.
まだまだこれからです is another one that I have trouble with for a long time.
Ah, I guess I have a habit of just assuming that if someone is a higher level on WK, they are generally higher level in other regards.
Well, keep working on the grammar.
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