🔉 🎙 Listen Every Day Challenge (Summer Edition) 🏖

Quick phone update away from the computer – in my spare time, I started コンビニ人間 with the usual audiobook, reading, the relisten strategy. Finding it a little harder to follow in audio than my last… I think it’s a bit quicker? Something like that. I definitely catch significant chunks but I get properly lost too.

Which is unfortunate cause that’s clearly a listening failure, but I suppose that’s what I’m here for. On the reading side this is probably the most casual read I’ve had, with surprisingly infrequent lookups so far.


August 19 :blossom: Home Post

Just snuck in a bit of a let’s play today, not much to report!


I listened to/watched Nakata‘s summary of 「嫌われる勇気」, a 心理学/自己啓発 bestseller. Learned some interesting lessons


:sound: Listening Room: Date 20220820 :loud_sound:

Day LX: Swan ride :swan:

Some casual listening suggested by YouTube, a swan ride!

I think I understood more than I thought I would.


August 20th!

Today I listened to a Core Words video from JapanesePod101.
I also had a class with one of my tutors where we did a lot of conversation practise.

I’m planning to watch some Teasing Master Takagi-san with my husband later too :slight_smile:

(Home Post)


August 20 :blossom: Home Post

Less exhausted today but I ended up not doing anything until pretty late so I just watched part of a let’s play again, pretty chill. Hopefully tomorrow I’ll be more settled and can get some more stuff in :+1:


:sound: Listening Room: Date 20220821 :loud_sound:

Day LXI: :durtle_yellow_rodent:

Ended up just watching a couple episodes of Pokemon, been pretty tired today. Also, I don’t think the random shibe video I watched earlier could count as listening (there was no audio). :dog2:


August 21st!

Today I listened to an episode of Nihongo con Teppei for Beginners, and also watched 3 episodes of Teasing Master Takagi San. It was the first 3 episodes of Season 2 :slight_smile:

(Home Post)


August 21 :blossom: Home Post

I managed to be a bit more productive today and watched another episode of Digimon (you know, the epitome of productivity :joy:). It was nice to get back to something more substantial and the episode was pretty fun so yay!


I seriously focused on doing some Shadowing for the first time (I think?) today, to improve fluency and speaking speed/accuracy. Started with the 日本語を話そう! beginner book and went through Unit 1 and about half of Unit 2.
The beginning is really easy, but the difficulty quickly ramps up and they don’t leave you much time to think about what you’re hearing, you have to start speaking right away, which is quite a change from the normal “listen to sentence, understand sentence, listen to next sentence”. You have to speak while listening and comprehending; it definitely is a very different skill.
I’ll be repeating Unit 2, maybe tomorrow, and work onwards from there.


:sound: Listening Room: Date 20220822 :loud_sound:

Day LXI: キッチン :hocho:

あかね的日本語教室 video, about names for things in the kitchen.

Bonus shibe: :dog2:

@rikaiwisdom I finally got round to getting a screenshot yesterday and then forgot to show, so:

Nioh 2

Most gear items are named like this… as in, I have no idea what they say and have to look them up. I can read some of the effects info, but then none of the kanji have any furigana so I quickly get stumped. And when you get like 50+ gear items from general loot in a mission and have to scroll through them to look for all the boosters and what not, my brain can’t function with all that :rofl:

Hope your gaming in Japanese is going better than mine! :+1:


Home post

Week 8
:confetti_ball: 8 6 % :confetti_ball:


  • YUYUの日本語ポッドキャスト ep 3.

Updating again later :eyes: .

I recognise some of the terminology just out of pure exposure from other RPGs but yeah, I also have trouble with gear names and so on, it’s pretty hard. That pic in particular does look a bit intimidating :sweat_smile: . But this is probably one of the things that improve the fastest in my experience even if it still takes a while, because then it’s very very similar in every other game, so once you learn it you’re mostly fine. Not that I know everything that is there, for sure, and I guess some things are exclusive to Nioh that I have no idea about. That does look amazing though!

It gets better, I promise! Just takes a bit of time getting used to, just like any other media. You will be a master at katakana eventually though I can tell you that much :joy: . My katakana recognition and reading speed has improved greatly since.


This is encouraging! I haven’t really played many RPGs (let alone in JP) so a lot of the words I’ve never seen before.

My katakana-recognition used to be really bad, but thanks to Resident Evil I can read it relatively well now, Resi VII felt like it was just 90% katakana loanwords, it was a nightmare at first :laughing:


Today’s episode was really good. Dealing with “ki” in all its different contexts is a challenge but this helps a good deal!


August 22nd.

Today I listened to Episode 49 of Nihongo con Teppei for Beginners.
I also watched 3 episodes of Teasing Master Takagi-san, with english subs - I should probably stop since I’m reaching the point where some of the stories are chapters from the manga that I haven’t read yet which feels weirdly like cheating? - but its been really fun to watch with my husband so I’m planning to carry on anyway.

(Home Post)


Home post

Week 9


  • YUYUの日本語ポッドキャスト ep 4.

August 22 :blossom: Home Post

Oh boy it’s school season again, time to figure out how to keep up with everything :laughing: but on the plus side, my Japanese course this semester is taught entirely in Japanese which a. is just generally good practice but also b. can count as listening practice if I want :eyes: I’m still gonna generally try to do my own practice (it’s not like it’s every day anyway) but for today that’s the one! It’s kinda nice to be in a more structured environment again, and it’s always a big confidence boost to see how far I’ve come in comparison to something more concrete :blush:


I’ve done pretty consistent listening this month, looking over my study journal. I took a language workshop every day for 2 weeks (not weekends) and that was fully in Japanese, so it involved quite a bit of speaking and listening. This last week I traveled with English speakers in Japan, but I was pretty excited that I was able to communicate with basically all the staff and employees. I solved our problems at the train stations, I ordered food, I contacted bus companies to get a forgotten item returned, etc etc. It was nice to take a break from focused studying and see how competent I had become at the basics, even though my level isn’t high enough for any deep or interesting conversation. I can safely say I have advanced to the point of comfortable small talk. I’m counting my travel days as days where I listened, even though I didn’t officially keep track of all my conversations, just because I remember having so many of them.


Aug 23, Tue of Week 9 of Summer :beach_umbrella: 2022

I continued to watch more of HUNTER×HUNTER (up to Ep.19). I also read HUNTER×HUNTER Vol.3 as a companion. Having the anime club makes be reflect episodes more, so I typed my replies (but didn’t post them here). EKG-san got it to at least Ep.18, so I did too. VA aspect is also interesting, as voices are human’s, not character’s.

I also listened to かがみの孤城. I made a mistake thinking (for some reasons) that かがみの孤城 Ch.1 May has 3 tracks – it has 5. So I listened to two more, as well as 1/4 track of Ch.2 June.

I am not exactly sure if my listening has improved, but at least, maintenance mode of at least 30 minutes per day (with some misses in week 7) should keep me from forgetting the sound of vocabularies, and partly, breaking down of sentences. I still have to study grammar, and more vocabularies. I feel that understanding comes from focusing enough to hear vocabularies and sentence structures, with visual hints; which I am not satisfied with current understanding for the language alone. At least the hunger keeps me going on.

For anime, I watched with full attention, which waxes and wanes, and some rewinding, but there are limits. Audiobooks are harder, so less focus, but I rewind sometimes too.

I tried writing some sentences in my log topic, so that I don’t have to care about others typing Japanese or not. And rather than trying to write everyday, I planned for at least weekly publishing (with editing at any day). The problem isn’t really thinking in English first or not, but rather that I can think less in Japanese. Using a dictionary is OK, but often I can’t find a fitting word / phrase at all. I might need to gather more resources from specific reading. JJ dictionaries (prioritized in Yomichan) and JP interfaces (I am not hesitant to turn back to EN if necessary) may help. Impromptus might be a little different, but not yet.


:sound: Listening Room: Date 20220823 :loud_sound:

Day LXIII: Explosive Japanese :boom:

NHK school vid, in the language section.

The team must defuse a bomb with the power of the Japanese language, but the difference between これ、それ、あれ is just too confusing.