July 21st
What did I listen to?: Super Bunny Man Let’s Play Part 3
How much time did I spend listening?: 18 min
Sorry I don’t have anything interesting to say today. I’m here, barely. That’s pretty much it. Today is major brain struggle times
July 21st
What did I listen to?: Super Bunny Man Let’s Play Part 3
How much time did I spend listening?: 18 min
Sorry I don’t have anything interesting to say today. I’m here, barely. That’s pretty much it. Today is major brain struggle times
For the most part, height measurements for me also go in one ear and out the other, but there have been many occasions when someone’s height becomes a literal plot point in Japanese pro wrestling. Here’s part of a DDT Pro Wrestling press conference with the American indie wrestler Andrew Everett, who claims to be a 223 cm giant, but DDT billed him as 175 cm. When Andrew protested, they forced him to measure his height onscreen during the press conference, while he tried every possible trick to try get out of being measured.
I won’t spoil how the press conference goes, but it’s pretty funny, haha. It’s in both English and Japanese, so it’s some nice easy listening practice, though the final punchline tests your listening comprehension of numbers a little bit.
Jul 22, Fri of Week 4 of Summer 2022
Today’s story is 不思議な岩穴 () from 鹿児島県.
Just a natural geographical feature, I guess. I don’t have a good image today.
This is how 大金持ち becomes 貧乏.
Yesterday, I listened to the playlist (りっきぃの夜話) from another day while traveling, but then got drowsy, total of about 20 minutes. Also, the understanding was limited.
Then, I got an italki class for 1 hour (but not while traveling anymore). it was generally good and I can ask for studying guide (and on Zoom too); but the actual teaching haven’t started yet. It got me wonder a little whether I got on italki to improve my vocal chatting, or also to improve understanding via grammar? So the tutor just said to apply for more only if I want to have such a course with him.
Then, I watched an anime with JP sub and Language Reactor. Reading every spoken lines and playing audio (if required to check) are helpful – with BGM and music make it even more fun. It is also possible to listen to a line, then speak the subsequent lines. Probably the pros of Language Reactor I haven’t really used until then. Though, of course it took some time; so I watched only 1 episode.
July 21 Home Post
Today I watched more let’s play stuff, and then I messed with that number thing which was an adventure My listening comprehension at this point is definitely more general, so testing for more specific understanding like that can be challenging. It’s all gradual improvement
Very relatable lmao, same thing with celsius temperatures, I’m just like “I’m gonna pretend I know vaguely what that means” and then I move on
July 22
More book review videos (I guess I like torturing myself ), one of them specifically on the book that is currently top in the Mystery Novel book club poll over at Natively. I understood, well, words again, but probably more than yesterday. Progress?
Also a video on yokai again. This is more like an encyclopedia read-aloud than a video. Images (and I assume text) by 水木しげる. 27 yokai starting with あ presented in 15 minutes. Not as fun as it could be. The images are lovely, but they do need more animation for a video. I need more interesting yokai content!
@omk3 I don’t know if you noticed but both the videos had this weird little…hand gesture? Head posture?
Is that supposed to be the thinking emoji ()?
Anyways, the second youtuber was new to me so I checked him out, but a different video as even though it said ネタバレなし I didn’t want to potentially ruin any of the fun if that book got picked which it’s certainly trending towards. Instead I watched a fairly mindless one where he sees how many books he can find with 名探偵 in the title
Again with the hand chin!
It also brought up a book that might be potential easy read for the book club down the line. Reading the summary and the first page or two it seems probably in the mid 20s for Natively levels? 異世界の名探偵. The publisher seems to be exclusively light novels
I did notice after I posted, and even thought on commenting on it (but then forgot), it’s so funny! I suppose they’re trying to look thinking/intellectual or something?
A quick search tells me that this gesture is the equivalent of a shrug in Japanese body language (in the meaning of わかりません, not “I don’t care”), so I guess it’s to show how mysterious these books are?
Day XXXI: : ピカチュウ!!
After failing to find something on YouTube, I just ended up watching an episode of Pokemon and punching some guys in Yakuza 6.
@pocketcat, thanks! I might try noting something down, I want to do something similar to the reading challenge - note down all the new words, but it’s a little more difficult with listening.
July 22nd
Just a little bit of listening today - 2 episodes of Nihongo con Teppei. One was about magazines, and the other was about cooking.
I had to listen to the first one twice to fully understand it, but mostly because I got distracted in the middle!
LEDC | 月 | 火 | 水 | 木 | 金 | 土 | 日 |
Week 4 |
July 22
Finally happened, Howl’s Moving Castle. That was brilliant, didn’t remember a lot of things. Watched with JP subs, some parts were a bit tricky but overall I think I got the majority of it. Was super fun, I will definitely rewatch some time soon.
Most of the time learning Japanese is something I do and have been doing for a long time already, but sometimes I have these realisations of thinking “I’m really understanding Japanese. The language that was so extremely foreign and cool when I was a kid, it’s actually not so foreign anymore”. Usually like I said it’s no big deal, but sometimes just thinking about it trips me out a lot. Like it’s so weird that I actually understand other languages. Brains are trippy. But it’s also a wonderful feeling to have from time to time, it keeps me going.
July 22 Home Post
I watched an episode of ハイキュー!! today! It’d been a while so it was nice to get back to it It’s just a good time honestly, lots of goofs and such that make it fun.
Big mood, any time I actually stop and think about it I’m just like “…woah” It’s good though! It’s easy to get lost in it all and forget how far we’ve already come, so taking a moment to rediscover the wonder is nice :')
July 23
Three videos from NHK for School. These are small educational videos for elementary school students. Cute and relatively simple. Today I learned about the stars in the summer sky, and where insects hide in autumn.
I found out about the existence of these videos from this post, thanks @Jonapedia !
Jul 23, Sat of Week 4 of Summer 2022
Today’s story is カニ寺 ().
This person has a blog, and should be about 91 by now. Also, it’s probably the first time I hear the website’s name being pronounced.
So far, I can’t find where カニ寺 is, and there are many places of 海岸寺 and 小沢村.
OSHO , destroyer of KANI
I think those Katakana sentences are
Actually, I listened to さとり(の化け物) as well, but isn’t impressed enough with the storyline.
Yesterday, I listened to the playlist (りっきぃの夜話) from another day while running on threadmill in my workplace.
Then, I watched anime on Netflix. With an aid of Language Reactor, not only rewinding is easy, but also vocabulary tagging and phrase tagging. But after some point, I feel it can be overdone… I might just need to adapt, but then, Language Reactor’s dictionary isn’t on par with Yomichan, and even then, I usually look up further (on Goo / web search).
Then, I watched another episode, simply on a tablet. Rewinding by 10 seconds, rather than by a line of text, isn’t a big deal.
I watched a NHK school vid. I learnt all about how to make animations using paper and safety-pins
This was a bit easier than the stories since they were having casual conversation, but I’m still in that realm of only understanding half of everything.
I spent awhile on YouTube yesterday trying to find something just like this! Thanks for sharing here, and thanks @Jonapedia for sharing before!
I tried the Uncle from another World on Netflix but it is way too much above my level so did 2 and a half hours of Bite Sized Japanese (1 hour intensively with subs).
July 23rd!
Today I listened to Episode 28 of Nihongo con Teppei for Beginners, which was about cleaning.
I also listened to 2 different vocab building videos from JapanesePod101 while I was writing my diary. I like listening to this sort of thing while I’m writing since I can follow the single line example sentences, but since each one is individual and unconnected to the others, it doesn’t need my full attention like something with any sort of narrative would.
LEDC | 月 | 火 | 水 | 木 | 金 | 土 | 日 |
Week 4 |
July 23
Japanese with Teppei and Noriko: episodes 1 to 7.
Didn’t know what to do today listening wise and I wanted something not too taxing because I’m tired, so I started this podcast. I like the conversation dynamic, feels a bit more alive than a monologue, and as much as I like listening to Teppei alone talking about random stuff, sometimes I need a break . That was nice, chill.
July 23rd
What did I listen to?: Super Bunny Man Let’s Play Part 4-6
How much time did I spend listening?: 63 min
Still taking it easy. Idk that I’m really learning anything from these, except maybe
July 23 Home Post
I didn’t do a whole lot today, just watched a bit of let’s play to get my obligatory listening in It feels good doing at least a little bit every day, though sometimes it’s real bare minimum lmao. It’s all progress