🔉 🎙 Listen Every Day Challenge (Summer Edition) 🏖

lol, yeah. Still, gaming dialogues are lovely.

I can confirm. Listening with eyes-free tones down some cringes.

Jul 3, Sun of Week 1 of Summer :beach_umbrella: 2022


  • The highlight, for myself, of this week is probably be listening (of less than 10 minutes), then read aloud with sound recording, of Hukumusume collection. (thanks Zakarius)
  • While I did listen to some YouTube, I am not sure if I should put in my progress, since I feel I don’t catch enough messages.
  • Anime with subtitles, and anything else with matching caption, is doable for listening practice, but have to be done with caution.
    • So, naturally, I would try to find and adapt to something without visual hints, like podcasts (Podbean)
  • Not sure how much this is related, but I also try writing; so as to make language learning more active.

Today’s progress

Today, I listened and read aloud to 杉の木、百本

It’s about this guy.

Yeah, he’s the previous mentioned キッチョム(吉四六)さん.

Story's review

Indeed, he tricked everyone to giving more donations, but is him giving 50 pairs of chopsticks appropriate? (Well, at least, they aren’t つまようじ .)

Yesterday, I passed by a shopping mall with a Kinokuniya bookstore. Unplanned, and I don’t exactly have a book in mind. Nonetheless, for chance opportunity, I asked the driver (my family) to drop me off.

I bought three books.

  • 聞いた覚える話し方:日本語生中継!初中級編1
    • 日本語能力試験N4レベル以上
    • The book is provided with CD, so I had to find a DVD player for PC. Went to 2 shopping malls (not counting the first one, where I didn’t find the books I need), just to buy one.
    • Then, the CD was ripped and uploaded to Google Drive almost immediately.
  • the Japanese Language by Haruhiko Kindaichi (translated to English by Hirano)
    • Of my first concern would be pitch and intonation. Of course, only what matters to the first survival bar…
  • Japanese Sentence Patterns for Effective Communication by Taeko Kamiya
    • I feel this is needed for Sentence Every Day Challenge.

As an extra, while shopping and on the way home, I listened to たびラジ on Podbean. (Total of a little more than 1 hour, I think, because I have too much time.) The speaker mentioned Korean, and spoke some Korean; but I practically have zero knowledge in Korean language…

There are also things like Teppei and Noriko on Podbean, but what I would listen to regularly (when handsfree, eyesfree) is to be decided.