Jul 1, Fri of Week 1 of Summer 2022
I listened to 子育て幽霊 just now. [1] This one is classified as 百物語, which I see resemblance to 百鬼夜行 (but not sure of the relevance); and the URL does say 怪談, so 間違いない. (Also, read-aloud.)
This one is also on YouTube.
And yeah, there are also translations in the website. And in the Japanese version, there are illustrations too.
アメ – candy – At first I thought this one is rice because of 水アメ and can be poured.
- I wonder if 水アメ is popular during that time period, that アメをください is sufficient to know what she meant?
- Also, is that stuff even OK for 赤ん坊 ?
- 雨 – of course, rain . I noticed vocal differences from the earlier vocabulary later on, when I listened to the vocabulary’s recording on Yomichan; but not sure if I will be able to remember respective patterns in the end…
If I got as far as making my own 演説や作文, I would try reading them aloud too.
- Probably the first time that recording goes beyond 10 minutes.