🔊 🎙 Listen Every Day Challenge - Spring 2023 🌼 🌱

3/04/2023 :fairy:t4: Home Post Link

I did my listening practice while eating lunch today, so I thought it’d be nice to update before I continue with my work.

I watched a few videos from あかね的日本語教室 and Speak Japanese Naturally. I Loved these two videos:

  1. Buy cake at a Japanese cake shop [link]

  2. Japanese Listening Practice with furigana [link]

It was fairly easy to understand. The videos aligned really well with my current language knowledge, and the difficulty was around N4.

I really enjoy Speak Japanese Naturally because the videos are so relaxing and calm, but I wish eng subs were optional. I usually completely avoid looking at the english subtitles, but sometimes it’s hard because my brain gets lazy. So I try to watch videos from this channel only once or twice a week.

quick reflections
  • I really cannot comprehend numbers and months in Japanese yet. If it’s SRS practice, then I take my time to think about it, but usually it’s very difficult for me to understand T_T
  • I learnt actively this time, and looked up some vocabs I didn’t know + added them to my Bunpro review pile. Excited to see if I can recall the meanings when I review them later today.
  • Lastly, I think I’ve depended too much on picturing kanji, because now I take more time to recall the meanings when I can only hear the word. Might need to think about this more, and change the pattern. Also hoping that I’ll eventually get used to hearing words as well (thanks to this challenge)