🔊 🎙 Listen Every Day Challenge - Fall 2022 🍁

:fallen_leaf: :headphones: softlyraining’s leaf pile listens :maple_leaf: :studio_microphone:

October 2nd

Watched this vlog before bed. The channel is run by Rina, who’s the drummer in the band SCANDAL. I’ve liked their music for some time, and though I’ve been subscribed to her for a while, I haven’t watched many of her videos lately. This one focused on the group heading to Toronto for their world tour. Apparently it’s been four years since they’ve been there, and they had postponed the show twice due to the virus.

I kept spacing out as I watched, and it was hard for me to follow. I didn’t sleep much at all last night, so that probably didn’t help. I might rewatch it again tomorrow and see if I do better.