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What are the colours for the different types of membership? I found the answer! Pink means ADMIN. So Thanks Admin! Isshoukenme gambatte imasu… Osewa ni narimashita!
P.S. Sorry my version of Windows does not allow any extra language packs!
Grey - Free
Blue - Paid (monthly or yearly sub)
Purple - Lifetime
Hot Pink - Admin
And Yellow - Level 60 IIRC?
I just got the email saying that I was indeed gifted a one year subscription by a kind user which will expire on 1 February 2020. That will be exactly 20 years since I was admitted to hospital for my Bone Marrow Transplant! So awesome. Twenty years since Acute Myeloid Leukaemia was preparing to receive its final kick in the butt!
The BIG stuff that wiped me out physically and financially after driving me out of Japan.
But, hey; I’m still here and I have a one year subscription to WK… Life could be worse!
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