Let's persuade Wanikani to add more levels

Noodles seem like a thing you are very likely to encounter on your daily life, truely surprising it’s not here, seen a lot more useless kanji here.

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I see a few others: 膝 (but not 肘),眉、羨ましい

I imagine there are starving WaniKani ALTs out there who are not aware of this kanji :slightly_smiling_face:

For some Kanji climbing inspiration, I just saw the ‘Free Solo’ Nat Geo documentary on Alex Honnold who free solo’d El Capitan in Yosemite without a rope. Highly recommend it for anyone into this stuff. It’s hard to even digest what a super-human feat this was.


*sees a clear image of noodles on package…
Nope, I haven’t learned that kanji on WK so I can’t be sure (put is back and go hungry) :rofl:


WaniKani is really useful for JLPT, but if I recall correctly - it does not have 100% or even full 90% of what is asked on N1 level, so it might be a good idea to make some additional levels for that. Also maybe some onomatopoeia would be great - even if it’s mostly hiragana, it’s still commonly used.


But it was suggested that most of those aren’t truly N1, but come from a bad source.
But yeah, that list should at least be considered. Probably HAS been considered =P

I agree, onomatopeias are a general headache, so I’d love to have an easy way to learn them


Wanikani is a kanji learning site first and foremost. There are similar ways to learn them elsewhere.

Personally I found learning onomatopeia through SRS redundant, they just wouldn’t stick. I’m getting a hang of them just through repeated exposure in context.


A lot of kanji considered N1 are not actually likely to appear on the test without furigana or an explanatory note.


I’m not even level 40 yet but I’d feel so burned out if they added more levels. ("After all this I’m only halfway there???"って感じ) Getting to 60 is already quite the task.

(I only realized after I posted this I had already been in this thread nearly a year ago… that’s embarrassing.)


Made me curious, if a year made a difference.

Nope, very consistent! =^_^=


I agree that we don’t need more than 60 levels, but there really are a bunch of common kanji that really puzzles me why they’re not on here. You see them quite often on WaniKani’s own example sentences. I think adding one or two extra kanji per level just to round off the remaining common kanji and very common words that aren’t on here yet would be a great idea. Until then, WaniKani just doesn’t feel complete.

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Can you give examples of kanji that don’t appear in WaniKani at all but show up in context sentences?

And if you tell them via email they’d likely replace them with hiragana.

After the update last year there are really not any very common kanji still missing.


I’ve been thinking about this a lot too. It would be so great to have some stories tailored to the levels we know, made in “graded readers” style.
The example sentences are too short, and using so much we haven’t learned yet (they make more sense when you go back and read them later. They should make sense when you read them first time, only using “big words” from past levels (+ common words/grammar not learned on WK))


I know this is an old comment, but just out of curiosity, what other SRS programs do you use?

Welcome to the forum! There’s a wk resources list thread you can find here The Ultimate Additional Japanese Resources List!
You’ll see threads about them being posted in from time to time in the suggested topics section below.

Personally I use Torii and Houhou for vocab. There’s also Kitsun (paid) and Floflo which you may or may not like better. Torii and Kitsun do the 10k vocab as well as kana/vocab outside of wanikani, they have JLPT vocab lists too. Houhou is basically a dictionary that uses jisho.org which you can do srs on by searching up words and adding them to the srs queue as you encounter them in your daily life. Floflo.moe is similar but has the incredible addition of organised decks for certain manga/novels/anime, so if you want to say read sword art online then you can learn the japanese words just for that novel. It only has a limited number of decks though as the author Raionus is constantly updating and has to add every new deck himself. In fact he’s overhauling the website as we speak I believe, and wishes to change the name to Koohii so keep an eye out for updates. The threads for the apps are the best place to check.

For grammar there’s Bunpro and Bunpo. I have bunpo on my phone and wish they had a website but oh well. Bunpro is great as an srs addition to grammar you learn elsewhere but as a standalone app for learning grammar I wouldn’t recommend it but you can try it out (1 month free) and see for yourself. You may find you’ll really like it.

There are also reverse wanikani apps (EN → JP, since wanikani only teaches JP → EN) Kaniwani and Kamesame if you’re looking for that sort of thing.

There’s also Tsurukame for iOS and Flaming Durtles for Android apps that allow you to do wanikani on your phone.

I’ve just mentioned the ones I know but I’m sure there are others you may find interesting in that ultimate resource list so check it out if you can!


By the way, KameSame also has a 10k word list, N1-N5 word lists, and the ability to add any word (recognition and production) into your SRS queue via the search feature

I’m biased because I wrote it for myself, but I find its quiz user interface to be faster and more addictive than the others mentioned.


I haven’t been writing them down but I see it pretty regularly using the Advanced Context Sentence script.

In my most recent review, I quickly checked all the context sentences and 涎 (よだれ) came up. I had no idea WaniKani updated most of these to hiragana, but I reckon I would still see a non-WaniKani kanji on WaniKani at least once or twice a week.

But is 涎 (or others like it) a kanji that you think is common and should be taught?

Farout, that’s awesome! I just thought of it as no more than a reverse wanikani app but I’ll have to check it out now.

I think what he’s trying to say is, I mean, just the fact that it was used sort of suggests that it’s common enough to be used that way. Otherwise they would have used よだれ right? Unless they were just trigger happy with the IME and converted the word to kanji when they were writing them.

I can’t really comment on 涎 specifically, my point is that I come across non-WaniKani kanji in WaniKani context sentences regularly.

There’s been a lot of discussion already in this thread and many others about common kanji missing in WaniKani that is fairly common. On WKstats, it shows there’s roughly 150 Joyo Kanji no in WaniKani. Or roughly 100 of the most frequent 2000 kanji no in WaniKani. I think WaniKani could absorb the 100-150 extra kanji into the existing levels without it being super noticeable. And when that happens, WaniKani will feel complete to me.