Let's persuade Wanikani to add more levels

This is a wonderful idea, actually! There are a ton of common vocab words that WK doesn’t teach, even though they have WK kanji. And this would prevent the issue of too many obscure kanji. It’d be a lot less stressful too since you’d be using kanji you’ve already learned in the previous levels instead of worrying about learning new kanji.


What I would really love is like an optional extra where you can choose to add on extra vocabulary for things like the JLPT levels, or the core decks. I’ve tried things like Kitsun, Torii and Anki, but none are as effective as WaniKani for some reason. I would happily pay more to have Kanji and Vocab in the one place.


It is nice to see that now several of these words in your list above made into WK. :slight_smile:


Just think it would be cool if all jouyou would be covered, since we’er really close. Would feel more complete to me

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It feels fairly obvious to sooner or later add the remaining N1 and Joyo kanji. I get that many of them are not so useful, but levels after 60 could be treated as “bonus” levels, or only unlock once you’ve reached a certain number of burns, or something like that.

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That’s a lot of work for “bonus” levels that very few users would actually get to.

For a long time WK only had 51 (?) levels, do you think people made the same fuss about increasing it to 60?

I’m pretty sure they’ve had 60 for much longer than they had 50 at this point. Regardless, that doesn’t discount my point that adding new levels isn’t a cost-effective way of adding new content.


Since I’m just starting out maybe my perspective could be of some help.
As I see up there the sight is woow, there is a lot be done and that’s a strong good point, and thinking that every now and then there’s content being improved is ahh so nice I can’t wait to get there.
So I think there is a lot to do not just because of Wanikani since after it’s finished or while working on it, I keep in mind what’s next.
Kisun.io 10k and its kana courses.
Bumpro for grammar.
maybe FloeMoe.
But I just try to enjoy what’s happening now cuz I don’t want to burn along those kanjis :grin:
Soo maybe Wanikany lv60 is good, a lv 70 might be too overpowered.


Kitsun has Beyond WK kanji, it looks aesthetically nice and has 997 cards but I’m thinking of just adding the most useful that are missing on WK and hibernating the rest in the deck (wish I started this earlier)…didn’t find a thread specifically on practical missing kanji other than leebo’s post above. 叶う came up today, and thought I’ve seen it a few times now but not on WK either.

Is this the SRS grammar app where you pay for lifetime but never use it :stuck_out_tongue:


Getting in silkworm is a no brained and should be added to an existing 40 to 60 level.

The remaining missing high school kanji might me better served doing similar and added 2 extra kanji per existing later half level.

The remains items outside these I would consider as extra levels whenever ;). I’ve heard the idea of having sets of 10 levels set to themes. Names, plants, fish, etc.


As useful as it might be to understand my school’s kyushoku menus (that are printed in hiragana anyway), I don’t want to spend 10 levels learning kanji for fish names.


Anyway you only need 鮭 鮪 and maybe a few more like 鰯. Less common kanji always have furigana or a just put in kana directly. Heck, the ones I just mentioned are mostly in kana whenever I go to a restaurant.


10 more levels,… lets all go to Outlands and get flying mounts…


Flying kanji*

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Came across these kanji lately that are not in WK nor Beyond WK 1000 deck in Kitsun. Seen some more than once and I’m told they come up with some frequency to be worth learning. Any thoughts?
,,,, ( as in 喧嘩),( as in 幼馴染)

These were not in either resources and I’m not sure. But if it’s body/medical related, it seems it may be useful some day so I’m trying to a save list. But if not worth it, I won’t bother. For instance, would anyone know if you were in pharmacy or doctor office, would any of these come up?
, ,,,,

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These are at least on 10k on Kitsun as (like with or without kanji):
かゆい and 歯痒い
かく and かき回す
喧嘩, 口喧嘩 and also multiple times in sentences

and these are as:


So these words seem to be common enough, but maybe not necessarily all the kanji? :thinking: At least you can learn those ones like that on 10k, or maybe add them to your personal deck with kanji if you want to


I bought it the first day LifeTime was made available :rofl:
I used it a tiny bit, and I DO love it. I’m just focusing on Kanji first, will put all my efforts in to grammar once I’m done with WK. And yes, I do plan on using Bunpro when I do, I love what they made! =D

As for the question. Some say a higher level to reach might feel demotivating to those still climbing…

I found these lists a bit demotivating when I first started. This is the frequency list:

I would love for it to say 100% on all of these, even if at 2000-2500 might be somewhat obscure. I’m just a completionist =P
Of the 2500 most frequent used you would still not know nearly 20% at level 60 :fearful:


Hey! Some of these are added now! =D
匂い - smell
袖 - sleeves (including vocab for short and long sleeves, and a vocab using to to make boss =P )

Maybe others as well, that I don’t know of yet =)

We need this one O_o
“麺 - noodles (honestly shocked at this one not being on here)”