Lesson lock after update

hi! so before the lesson picker update, i used the lesson lock api to make sure i had around ~50 reviews per day. obviously now i have no way of seeing this score because of the new update, so i was just wondering if there was a way of seeing what score i have so i can dictate myself when i do lessons? by score i mean the score lesson lock added up based on the levels of all my items.

Do you mean something like this?

It’s one of @Kumirei’s scripts here.

Or maybe you’re talking about this script (also mine)?

The first post in this thread says:

This is what it looks like for me now, with the Lesson lock script enabled.

Not sure how I can get it to work like it did before the update? But the Review forecast script still works, that’s why I suggested it.

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yes exactly this thank you !!


yeah this is the one i was using before the update, but it doesnt work now

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Thank you for confirming. I’ll let you know once I have it fixed


The script has been updated. Please update to v.1.2.2


absolutely brilliant !! works as it did before, thank you for doing it so quickly : )

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