The WaniKani Lock Script
The purpose of this user script is to allow users to lock a set number of reviews so that they don’t appear in their review sessions. This is to allow people to reduce the review queue size down to something they can manage at any particular time.
Whether you’ve been whisked away back into real life or you’ve toked too much from the lesson pipe, it’s no fun at all coming back to a review queue that you just can’t manage!
Where to get it
It’s on Greasy Fork: WaniKani Lock Script.
To use the script, follow the instructions on the reviews summary page once you have installed the script.
As a user, all you specify is how many reviews are to be locked.
The method is actually very simple: The script maintains a list of all the active reviews you have and sorts them in order of when they entered your review queue. The script then locks the earliest reviews in the queue.
Consider a review queue with 1000 items and you’ve been away from WK for quite some time. Oh dear.
If you’ve only got the time and energy for, say, 100 reviews a day then you’ve got a problem. Every time you get a review wrong, there’s only a 10% or so chance that it will appear when it’s next up for review. This amounts to a lot of wasted effort if you try and clear the queue this way because you won’t see an Apprentice item again until way after the ideal SRS interval.
With the lock script, you would lock 900 items and then your reviews will always be for the remaining 100 items plus any new additions to the queue since they will always re-enter the review queue at later point compared to the locked items. This allows you to get comfortable with reviews to the point where you’re scoring well before you choose to expand further into the locked reviews.
Great, but what if real life rears its ugly head again and you’ve got less time again?
You simply lock more items until your review queue is manageable again. Let’s say we increase the lock count to 950 this time. The set of active items is now a subset of the 100 items you were already working on just before and so you don’t have to start any of the items in that subset from cold.
Once real life is less of a problem again, just go back to the previous setting and you’ll pick up from where you left off. If we go back to 900 locked items then your reviews will include the 50 most recent items and also the other 50 you were working on. The original 900 locked items were locked away all this time and so your effort was not wasted on them.
You only need to set the level to how much you can handle at any particular time and it will keep wasted effort to a minimum.
Why not remember the actual list of locked items internally?
Using this sorting method, you only need to maintain a single number (the number of locked items) between devices if you frequently use multiple devices with WK. Also, if you regularly clear your browser data then you only need to supply the locked item count afterwards (and your API key) and everything is back to where it was.
What if I don’t like the script and uninstall it?
Nothing bad will happen. Your full review queue will appear again. The script doesn’t change anything on server.
I’ve tested this on the following browsers:
- Firefox
- Edge (Chromium-based)
Significant updates
Version | Date | Description |
1.0.0 | 2021-11-11 | Updated to use upcoming change to WK review queue data |