Leech-identifying script not working since dashboard updates

I had a userscript running on my dashboard to help me notice my leeches and now it’s not working, since the dashboard was updated (I do like the updates generally). I see the leech script loading but then I don’t see anything. Anyone know of any way to fix this?


I think they are working on a fix here:

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Yup yup. If it’s that one then it should be working now. It can be a little bit temperamental still, but I now know why and will be working on a fix. It’ll take me a bit of time as the code I inherited is in a language I don’t really know, and spare time, etc. etc.

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Ok, I’ve just updated the script and now I have it back. Super!

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Just in case you’re talking about the dashboard leech tables script instead… Replacing section.progression at lines 290-291 of the script with section.srs-progress should fix it.

Boo. I did that but it’s still not working for me. The edit shows up in Tampermonkey but I can’t see the table at all. :frowning:

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Hmm… Did you try refreshing the page after modifying it? Other than that, I don’t know. Do you have any other scripts that might conflict with it?

Yup, refreshed page. Didn’t restart whole computer though, since on my ancient laptop that takes forever. Only scripts I’m running are that one and WaniKani Open Framework. Thanks for trying to help!

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You might try restarting your browser and/or clearing the cache as well. Or maybe ask on the linked thread for the script itself if there’s someone a bit more programming-savvy than I am who can help troubleshoot (like the person who posted the fix originally, maybe). Sorry you couldn’t get it working…

Actually, it occurs to me that I did have to change section.progression in two locations, one on line 290, and one on 291, to get it to work. That wasn’t entirely clear in the original fix. Did you already change it in both places?

If you already did that, then I really am out of suggestions… I hope you can get it working. :woman_shrugging:

The section starting at line 285 looks like this in the version I have working:
   //check if a leech table is already there
    if(document.getElementById("leech_table")) {
        sectionContents = leechTableStyle + sectionContents;
        $('#leech_table ').replaceWith(sectionContents);//replace existing list
    } else {
    if ($('section.srs-progress').length) {
    else {
        $('#leech_table ').append(sectionContents);
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Woohoo! It’s working! Thanks so much, Cerulea!

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Yay!! I’m glad that you got it fixed!

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