"kou" and "sei", "ga/na/ma"

I’m only on level 5, but I’m starting to think that 50% of the Kanji are read as “kou” and another 20% are “sei”. OK OK that’s an exaggeration, but still I wonder. Is there a way to show ALL the Kanji with a given reading?

Next up, is the pronunciation of “ga”. This is not unique to WaniKani, I’ve heard it in other places as well.
Sometimes “ga” sounds like “ga” and sometimes “na”, this morning I heard one as “ma”. Is this in the same category as r/l/d?


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I’m not sure if there’s specifically a way to show everything with a given reading, but the search bar on the dashboard should be close to that. You may occasionally get results where they taught a different primary reading, and so it might look like こう is unrelated initially.

For the nasal pronunciation of が, it’s not mandatory, but when people use it there are rules for its use, if you are interested. It’s purportedly on the decline in Japan overall, but it’s a feature of Standard Japanese, which explains why professionals hired to record audio are using it.


Very interesting on “ga”, strange that I’ve been studying Japanese here for a few months and that’s the first I have heard about that.

WaniKani search (you have to enter it in hiragana) on:

kou: 272 results
sei: 178 results

They are indeed popular!


Change せい to しょう and you’ll no longer be exaggerating. :stuck_out_tongue:

I recall someone posting a list in the forums of all WaniKani kanji sorted by readings, but I can’t seem to think of the right search terms to make it come up…


208! For sure. :wink:

Here you go


It may or may not be useful for you, but there is a cool Phonetic-Semantic Composition add-on. It shows you kanji that have the same radicals, and the same readings. It helps you see patterns where certain radicals tell you the reading.

I think it’s mostly useful for kanji with many radicals.


If I don’t know the reading, I just type kou and see what happens. :wink:

There’s only about 330ish different on-yomi readings used in common kanji, so if you think they are starting to feel repetitive, you are right! If you feel like you are always typing shi, and shyou, it’s because you are. I’ve always hated on readings because of this and ‘learned’ a lot of kanji without learning most of them, just a kun reading and moved on. Wanikani has forced me to have to actually learn them.

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Got you fam


Yes, I was just about to mention this. Very useful script.


This sort of answers your first question. I can’t vouch for its methodology, but I found it interesting. I’ve seen a similar chart in the past, but it didn’t come up immediately on Google.


It has こう as the second most common reading (by number of kanji, not usage) and せい at 8th.

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