Might be best to post questions directly in the kamesame thread, may get a faster answer from others.
Indeed. It’s the only thread I have notifications on for.
@deadhippo, the reason these don’t match is because the things you’re entering aren’t words in WaniKani’s corpus and so there’s nothing built into KameSame (yet) to cross-reference them.
In your examples:
- 計算 is in WK but する attachment is not - WaniKani / Vocabulary / 計算
- 地理 is in WK but not 地理学 - WaniKani / Vocabulary / 地理
In the future I’m going to add custom cards to kamesame (this may be a low-price paid feature to defray server costs), which would have this effect automatically.
Additionally, you’re welcome to add anything you find and disagree with as an Alternate Spelling, at the bottom of each card as you get it wrong. Since the things you’re citing mean the same thing that seems A-OK to me.
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