Jitai (字体): The font randomizer that fits

I’ve been using this script for a while, since I’ve added it to tampermonkey along all the other I found useful when I started WK. It works, but I have a suspicion it somehow only uses the fonts that are installed in Windows, but not all the others - the variability I see is really low, there seem to be only a couple of different fonts. Should I just download all the fonts from https://www.freejapanesefont.com/ and install them in my system? Or can there be some other fix?

I have a few other scripts installed, but nothing uncommon and nothing that deals with fonts, as far as I can remember.

There’s a list of fonts linked in the first post of this thread. And yes, you have to install them in order to use them.

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Ok, thank you! For some reason I thought the script would load fonts from other sources too.

Hello, I am excited to use the script however I don’t quite understand how to install fonts. This whole tech thing is a bit over my head. I’ve gone through the sites and downloaded a couple different fonts that have come in the form of a zip file, where do I go from there?

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On Windows 10, I unzip the file to extract the font file, then I double click the font fille. The font installs itself.


I spent some time trying to get Jitai to work on Safari (macOS 11.2). I was partially successful. To install the user script, I used Justin Wasack’s free “Userscripts” extension from the App Store. It doesn’t support regex patterns in @include, so I changed it to a hardcoded @match. At this point, the userscript was basically functional.

The trouble came when I tried to load fonts. I was only able to load the three default system Japanese fonts. Apple added browser fingerprint prevention in Mojave, and part of that was the removal of the ability to use user fonts in Safari (websites could detect which fonts you have installed and use that to uniquely identify you). The script worked fine in Chrome and loaded all my fonts, but Safari only saw the three default “Hiragino” fonts.

I’m not a web developer, so I don’t know if it’s possible to force Safari to load the fonts. My research pointed me towards the FontFace web api if anyone else wants to try. I think I will just stick with Chrome on desktop and Tsurukame on mobile, which includes similar functionality.

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I had downloaded the fonts from the github list but some are really really difficult to read.

That banana I had to uninstall and then I will check if others are still in the list that I can’t see properly the “doctor handwriting” lol

any recommendation from the freejapanesefonts website ?

I know that the genki I book uses mincho and gothic fonts but on that website, it shows dozens of these type.

Just poping in to say thanks for the script.
And also, I feel so proud when I get Armed Banana styled kanjis right :grin:

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I know it’s not the answer you’re hoping for but I’m a Safari user as well and I’ve long ditched it for Firefox in order to use wanikani with scripts. Last time I checked there was no real workaround to have all my scripts working in Safari.
On a side note, I like to have WK in Firefox because it’s much less distracting to have just that (I don’t use it for anything else except bunpro or stuff like that). Lets you focus on studying

Has anyone tried to apply Jitai to self study quiz? I poked around in code, but I have no idea how to summon it in popup window. Like, grab quiz item instead of a review item. Any ideas?

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Sometimes this is very appropriate.


(it means bold letter. ie like this)


The link to download the EPSON fonts no longer works. Anybody has a backup that can share?

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Hey everyone! An upldated Jap font pack would be so, so amazing!

Alright. I went through all the free fonts and other fonts I could find and have compiled a file with over 200 different fonts, ranging from perfectly okay to a couple that are a bit more out there… You can sort through them yourself and only install the ones you like, but this is the ultimate ‘get gud’ font reading package :slight_smile:


is there a way to preview the fonts in how they would look in hiragana or kanji?

because when I double click on them ttf files, they show a b c d e f… and for me they are all fine,

but when I installed other fonts like this they were all a nightmare to understand the cursive handwriting during reviews, and I has to go uninstalling them one by one.

Unfortunately no

If you hover the mouse over the word during reviews, it gets displayed with the standard font, so you can first make an educated guess and then double-check if the font is too wild.
(This way I gradually got more used to the crazier fonts out there.)


yes, I know about that

but I got to a point with so many bad handwritting fonts that I had to use the hover all the time, so I had to uninstall them.

Oh I see, fair enough. :slight_smile:

(I hover about 80% of the time, if only to double-check :sweat_smile:)


I suppose you could install them and verify them in Word or some other application before putting them into your Jitai script. That’d be the quickest. Otherwise, figuring out which font is which is all but impossible. (#learnfrommyfail)