Japanese Sentence a Day Challenge

I learned: 君 和 負けた!

You lost!

I learned this becasue I was playing a game with a Japanese friend and he lost, so I asked him how to say it in Japanese :smiley:


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That’s not quite right - instead of 和 (which means “Japan”, among other things) you’re looking for は (which is, somewhat confusingly, pronounced わ when it’s the topic marker).

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She asked me if I like to eat dark chocolate. Of course!

Ah of course, didn’t see it there, thanks! But yes I meant ‘wa’ :slight_smile:

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「かかる」を使う文章が今度に現れたら、絶対によく覚えるつもりです。:mechanical_arm: 読んだらわかる文法は多いけど、書いている間に考えられる文法は少ないです。

Next time I run into a sentence that uses かかる, I’m really planning to memorise it. There’s a lot of grammar I recognise while reading, but I can’t think of much grammar when I write.



People of the thread! Do you have any plans for this weekend? I hope it will be something fun.

We’ll probably finish the game Yakuza 4. We already bought the fifth game. If it rains all weekend, we’ll probably start the fifth one.


There’s all kinds of people in this world, right?


This morning was overcast and gloomy. I woke up early and went to school by bus, but I went home because of a cold.


I went to the library to read.





Actually, I don’t really see (many) sentences with かかる. Sometimes かかる appears in articles, but I don’t use it at all. Instead of かかる one can probably use other words. :slight_smile:

I’m not sure about をしている here. I know it can be used for properties/traits of something, but perhaps it sounds a little weird.


Today’s plans? Well, lately I noticed my pajamas got too big so I went off on an “adventure” (:joy: ) to buy new ones. Despite going to H&M, there were no pyjamas. I was a little surprised. After that, I bought 3 new notebooks at a stationery for writing practice and delicious, strong black tea in a supermarket. Despite getting tired it was a great day. :smiley:

It’s getting harder and harder to translate into English with all of those nuances T.T

Edit: No one noticed I used くせに wrong the first time :stuck_out_tongue:

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I want to sit in zazen already.

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昨日買った紅茶が本当に強いよ。紙包みに「濃厚な香り」ということが書いてある。一杯を飲んでも何にも感じた。でも、二杯目を飲んでから急に目覚めて感覚が強くなった。後で寝られなくなってしまった。 :joy:

The tea I bought yesterday is really strong. On the paper wrapping it said “rich aroma”. I drank one cup, but didn’t feel anything. However, after drinking the second cup my senses suddenly got stronger. After that I couldn’t sleep. :joy:


It’s Sunday morning again so I’m again considering quitting WaniKani.

大失敗した。「強いだよ」はダメですね。 :man_facepalming:
@Omun さん、どもうありがとうございます!

大学で数学を勉強しているんだけど、先生の数学能力は高すぎて、クラスの学生達のレベルと合わない。珍しい言葉を使ったり、黒板で例題を示さなかったりして、セオリーいっぱいで、教え方はやばいと思うの。去年、先輩たちの中で、九分の一が試験を失敗しちゃったと聞いたこともあるんだけど… :grimacing:



Because the colors of autumn are beautiful, I intend on going on a stroll tomorrow and taking pictures.

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Do you know the title of that new book?

Unfortunately, I don’t know.

I see…

I wonder if the set phrase 病気になる would be more applicable, than 病気がある. Especially since you felt well enough to go initially, but ended up too sick to stay in school.


Get well soon!


I didn’t really read this thread over the weekend. If you want corrections, I saw this.

冗談ですよ :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I’m just messing with you. I know you know that.

2年ぐらいずっと、毎日SRSをしていたから、今までも嫌いんです。:joy: まあ、だいたい、ワニカニはもう一回するかなと考えます。レベル60なのに、ワニカニの漢字というと、全部覚えるのはまだ言えません。

For about two years, I did SRS every day, so I still hate it. I do sometimes think if I should to through WK again. Even though I’m level 60, I can’t say I remember all of the kanji on WK.

つらそうです、@Redglare さん。 :grimacing:

That sounds really tough.



That’s rough. I had a teacher like that in high school. Because he loved maths so much, he always added difficult theory. At times, the students would scold him. “I understood before your dificult explanation, but now I don’t understand anything at all!”

Ganbatte I feel no need to come up with a non-awful way to translate that into English on a site like this. Since it’s you, Redglare, you’ll be okay.

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Definitely. になる is more flexible than just “becoming” and it can be used to express different changes of state. :slight_smile: There is also うつる to express contracting an illness or 感染する when talking about getting infected (by a virus, bacterium, etc.)

お願いいたします! :bowing_man:

Please do! :bowing_man:
I write a sentence almost every day, but no one gives corrections. Feels a little lonely, therefore. Truth is I also make mistakes often. T.T

いえいえ、 フィードバックに感謝します。:slight_smile:

No no, I’m grateful for feedback. :slight_smile:

ワニカニばかりか、アンキも毎日使っているけども、大嫌いな気がします。小説などは読みながら新しい言葉をデックに入れるようにします。しかし、大変な感じなので、いつか覚える言葉が足りるといいんですが :sweat_smile:


Other than WaniKani, I’m also using Anki every day, but I think I hate it. While reading novels and other things I try to add new words to my decks. However, it feels tough so I hope that one day I will remember enough words. :sweat_smile:

Anyhow, it’s natural to forget kanji so going through WaniKani again is probably not necessary. :slight_smile:


I still haven’t finished reading the Red Beetle, but it it somehow got easier.

oho, arigatou Omun-san x3
頑張ります! :brain:

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