Japanese History Books in Japanese Request

Hi everyone, can anyone recommend any Japanese history books that are in Japanese? I’m struggling to find a book (not manga) that’s written in relatively simple language and gives a general overview of Japanese history from (say) 2000 years ago to today.

What I would hope for is a Japanese equivalent to Manfred Mai’s Deutsche Geschichte, which is a book that I read when learning German, and goes over history from Tacitus’ accounts of Germania, through to the fall of the Berlin wall. Imo it’s not explicitly for children and is appropriate for adults, as an introduction to history but not at an academic level.

For Japanese history an overview is probably something like Ancient times → through the Middle Ages to the 1400s or whenever → Sengoku → Bakufu → Black Ships arriving → Modernisation → Russo-Japanese war(s?) → Fascism → Today/Future. Maybe. I simply don’t know much about Japanese history at all.

I had a go at 網野善彦’s 日本の歴史をよみなおす which has, I think, a more-or-less appropriate language level (I think I’m around N2 and N1, idk), but it turned out to be really focused on medieval times and challenging common Japanese perceptions like that 百姓=農民, which is alright to read about but not really what I wanted. I don’t really know where to find proper book recommendations except asking ChatGPT, lol.

I looked around in the forum already and couldn’t find anything, I hope someone can come up with some recommendations, よろしくお願いします!


This kind of falls at the first hurdle for not being a book, but since I don’t have any better ideas I figured I’d mention the NHK 高校講座 日本史 series which is the NHK educational programme for schools that does a strictly chronological run through from the Jomon period to the Tokyo Olympics. The online videos are freely watchable from anywhere in the world (or at any rate, they work here in the UK).


I‘ve read the first book of this series:

It is written in a simple way, geared towards elementary school kids. The drawback is that the usage of kanji is rather limited. :woman_shrugging: The first volume covers the time until ~1200 iirc.


In case that book is too simplistic for your taste, there is also this one:

The author is a high school teacher and also published many videos on YouTube, so you can check there as well.


Propose for book club! (:


Ok, thanks for this one, I checked it out a bit and it looks like it could be pretty interesting

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Thank you :slight_smile: I will check out the first one if I can find a way to look at it online. I looked through the second book and unfortunately it’s about world history, meaning that the book goes over basically all world history except for Japanese history :sweat:


There is a whole series of manga by 集英社 called 学習漫画 日本の歴史 which even my Japanese friend knows. Well, she is highly educated so maybe it’s a bias. Anyway, this will be the first reading materials I will work on after my textbooks. It should tell me everything I need to know about Japan while practicing my reading.


Thank you for this! I randomly checked it out and studied one whole chapter for 3 hours because of the kanji lmao. I like that they give a PDF explanation as well as a video with big subtitles for better understanding.


Oh I‘m sorry! It was recommended to me at some point but I never looked into it that much :cold_sweat:


Funny you started this topic. I recently started reading an English translation of this Japanese high school Japanese history textbook. I had planned to buy the Japanese version of the textbook, but want to get it cheap from a textbook store vs Amazon (i.e., I’m lazy and haven’t had the chance to go visit a textbook store).

Since it’s aimed at high schooler, I’m assuming the text won’t be as simple as you’d like them though, but posting it anyway in case it’s helpful.


there’s this, i read the bakumatsu book in this series and liked it, and i know someone else on the forums regularly recommends it. covers jomon up through to the 1960s


I was reading 超ビジュアル!日本の歴史大事典 | L25 (the same one as nyxqueen above), while using オールカラーでわかりやすい! 日本史 | L30?? as a reference alongside.

I didn’t read through that オールカラーでわかりやすい! 日本史, but I read through the world history version of it (Japanese history monochrome version, but exactly same content).

The difficulty of the reference book – it’s not so easy and the text isn’t selectable as an e-book, but it seems detailed enough and has a lot of diagrams. Still not sure if it can be expected to tell everything you are expected to know about Japanese history.

For a book with selectable text, 一度読んだら絶対に忘れない日本史の教科書 | L31 (suggested by Nicole above). My impression with one, is that it’s discussing various topics of history from past to present, considering that all may be debatable. Paced book club would be interesting.


Looked it up on Bookwalker – and got this:


What. The. Meow?! scratch

The next one you linked – shows normally though… I wonder why would they want to hide the more simplistic book from people overseas… :thinking:

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I’ve just read the Japanese free preview on Tadoku – and I already like that book!
Will buy at first oppurrtunity! trunky_rolling
Thank you for the recommeowndation! wricat

There are a number of series aimed at schoolchildren that are blocked on Bookwalker - no idea why actually :woman_shrugging:

But like the description says, you can buy it using a VPN (I use Tunnelbear which comes with some monthly free data) and then you can download it to the app just like any other book, without the need for a VPN. (I think you need a VPN to read it in the browser but not sure.)

Somebody even mentioned putting the book into the shopping cart using a VPN and then performing the checkout without VPN to avoid paying VAT, but I‘m not sure whether this (still) works.



On a more serious note, thank you for the recommendation! wricat


They actually have a super cute animation for establishing a connection so this is a perfect image :rofl:


This is extra funny to me as up til now I thought their only region locked content was 18+. I suppose I should always browse them with a VPN to make sure random tame things aren’t being blocked from me.


It’s hilarious, isn’t it? „Beware, you might learn something!“ :rofl:

Don‘t worry though, the books are displayed in the search results and you can access the details pages, you‘re just not allowed to buy them :woman_shrugging: