Japanese audiobooks on US Audible?

So, I just was notified today that my subscription to Amazon Music Unlimited now includes access to Audible - one book a month. I’m not usually an audiobook type of person, but I see there are at least a few books in there that are in Japanese (the various Harry Potter books, and コンビニ人間, for example), so I may as well take advantage if I can.

Has anyone here ever taken the time to browse US Audible for Japanese audiobooks, and possibly have some recommendations? I will likely try the ones I mentioned above at some point, but I suspect Harry Potter at least will still be beyond my capabilities at this point, and I don’t know much about コンビニ人間 other than that there is a book club board for it here (intermediate level, I think)…


I don’t have Audible so I’ve not looked extensively, but I have heard that there’s a decent selection of Japanese books on the US site. For example, apparently 本好きの下剋上 is on there (and the kindle version too to my surprise).

コンビニ人間 is a good intermediate level book, with just one character who speaks a bit obtusely.

The only Japanese audiobook I’ve listened to is かがみの孤城, which is fantastic but isn’t on Audible. It’s on かがみの孤城 | 日本最大級のオーディオブック配信サービス audiobook.jp if you’re interested though.


Thanks - I’ll look up 本好きの下剋上 for sure. :slight_smile:

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There are tons of Japanese books on US Audible. They’re browsing is basically useless on the app, on web you need to go to a genre and select Japanese, like so.

If you are concerned about difficulty, here is Natively’s user graded-for-difficulty books filtered to up-to level 33 (~N2 level) and available on Audible US: link

edit: I suspect more books on Natively are on Audible than are showing there as well, so you can also cross reference an interesting booking with Natively to see if it’s been graded yet


Awesome - thank you! That Natively link should be very helpful!

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I listened to quite a bit of the imouto sae irereba ii audio books on American audible iirc. Not sure if you’re into slice of life light novels, but if you are its an amazing series. Way better than you would expect off the title


My favorites tend to be action/adventure and/or fantasy, but I’ve enjoyed slice of life before as well, and I’m usually game to try most genres. I’ll take a look - thanks!