To be precise: I have two installed (Wanikanify and Wanikani Notifier), but they are NOT enabled and haven’t been for some time.
I’ll be able to do some more work and checking things from my desktop in a couple of hours (or maybe sooner). I’m out right now.
I am doing the same reviews now for the third time. If you can not find the problem just rollback the servers to a state where this problem was not present.
I guess there are more than enough people facing this sort of problem.
PS: And please deactivate the 24 hour cooldown for the vacation mode until this problem is fixed…
If they changed the form of data in the database, rolling back could actually risk more problems.
Hey Luke, do you know which vocab/kanji/radical items are coming back to you? Or can you say which SRS levels you’ve seen come back? In my case, pretty sure I’ve been seeing items I Master again on subsequent reviews.
I’m at home now and ready to do some reviews to do more testing and hopefully find the problem.
Yeah, there’s actually been a number of bug fixes in the past few days that would make a lot of things a lot worse for a lot of people.
I finally had this happen to me. Reviewed 毛糸 and got it wrong. It came back in less than 15 minutes. Of course I got it right that time, and it ended up burned. This time it’s no big deal because I don’t think I’ll need 毛糸 much, but I’d rather not falsely burn items.
We figured out the root issue which affected majority of the users who reported it here and via email. Lots of red herrings tossed in, but we were able to trace the bug. The TL:DR of it is the bug affected those who were off vacation mode recently. We pushed out the fix earlier today and let it sit for a while. So for those who were on vacation mode recently and experiencing this, no more repeats!
@viet Once everything settles down, I’m sure many people would appreciate a detailed explanation about what the original enhancement was and how it, and any other preexisting issues, led to these series of bugs. At the very least, the software engineers (like me) would probably find it interesting.
I did the Kanji 耳 now for the 3rd or 4th time, always said burn but it is still not burned?
Guys you need a beta server where you test all your updates before release.
Maybe you can offer a beta subscription which is cheaper or free where some users test your code beforehand.
I am still getting repeats and “reviews available” after completion
May i just add to this thread to keep it tidy?
First off, good morning Ninjaneer!
I get out of bed…wait, let’s not start this off with a flat out lie…
i woke up, rolled over on my phone, grabbed it and checked reviews. Now, i am accustomed to the pink app’s notification not being up-to-date with the numbers, and that isn’t your concern anyway as it’s not your app, but once i open the app and am “in WaniKani” everything is as it is on the website, and it showed 23 reviews waiting. Clicked to start them…O.M.G. the real number is 63 not 23!!
Yes, it’s a small thing, but it’s a symptom of something, and it’s definitely a new event, so i thought i would brighten up your morning with a bug report!
Head out to the roach coach and grab a biscuit first though…
Problem is still there. The items that kept coming back before, didn’t appear again today, so it looked good at first, but now it’s starting again. Several items I failed today are back and get promoted or burned after answering them correctly (届 would be one). I didn’t activate vacation mode today (or yesterday).
Random observation: It is unlikely, but could it have something to do with the Item Info? Because if I fail an item, I always check the Item Info. Doesn’t really make sense, just throwing this in here.
This is exactly what happened to me yesterday.
Also, an app I use (so I assume the API) says I have 0 reviews but I have 22.
This just happened to me again.
About 2-3 hours ago, I did a review session in which 卒業 came up. I got it wrong and it went down to Guru. I distinctly remember seeing the red Guru word appear…
… I was too quick to input my answer for reading, and had answered さっぎょう right away, only remembering my personal mnemonic (singing “そ つ ぎょ う” to Vitamin C’s Graduation) after it was marked incorrect (but before switching the page), checking the info to confirm (and being like "that’s why I remember a つ, because there is a つ!).
However, it just came up in my reviews again, and I got it right. It just went up to Master.
@viet , you’ve previously monitored my reviews and even put a few that slipped through the cracks like this back down to their correct levels (for being incorrect)…
I think it’s time to re-open this case… (and would you please knock 卒業 down again for me… In this case I don’t know what the correct SRS level would be.)
System Details:
Windows 7 32 bit
Firefox 54.0.1 (32-bit)
Yes, scripts were running. Same set as in the first image of this post here.
EDIT: @viet Seems weird to me to close a thread seconds after asking me a question.
It says it’s Master on the item page.
EDIT 2: Also, went back up to look at the cause and solution of this issue… you said
And seeing the date of when I unlocked the item on the item page (pictured above), I unlocked 卒業 just a day or so before going on a brief 2-3 day vacation mode to focus on a game jam. So I do believe this is related, and was in fact an outlying item that slipped through the cracks.
If you go to the individual item’s page what does it say for the SRS?
If this is indeed a prominent issue the this is from a totally different source and not what is the cause of this thread’s discussion. I am closing this thread. If it is ongoing you can email us or start a new thread.
EDIT: Just a reminder if you are using user scripts or extensions that interferes with our code, then that makes it hard to diagnose problems. So if you are going to report an issue they must be from environments free of user scripts.