I am experiencing a weird behaviour with WaniKani and wanted to know if this is normal.
After a 2 year hiatus I returned to using WaniKani and had around 1100 reviews available. I have been doing around a 100 reviews per day and no new lessons, but my review count keeps going up and it’s now almost 1800.
As far as I know, the latest interval before burning an item is 6 months, so after 2 years of doing no reviews all items ready for a review should already have shown up in the review count. So where are these 700 new reviews coming from?
Hmm…Are you doing any new lessons? Oh! Wait! We had a new set of mnemonics come out and they renamed a bunch of radicals. Maybe you’re getting the new radical names on stuff you already learned.
All I can tell you is that your profile says you have 3622 non-burned items. So when you came back after your 2 year hiatus you should have had that many reviews (assuming you didn’t use vacation mode).