Is there a way to fix my stats?

So the first time I tried WaniKani I got to level 5. Life got in the way and I had hundreds of reviews after months of not doing anything and I didn’t retain most of it.

So I reset. Best decision ever for me. I understand how to retain different readings a lot better this time around.

Unfortunately, I was stupid when I reset and did it hundreds of days before I actually started doing WaniKani again so my stats look like this. It obviously skews my averages, etc. Is there a way to fix the first level so it starts showing when I actually did the first lesson instead of when I reset?

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If you click it on the graph, it’ll be excluded from calculations.


Thank you so much. This was exactly what I was looking for.

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I have beautiful graph too :caught_durtling:
I considered to reset to remove it, but is kinda fun to see when I actually joined.
Glad we can have it removed to not count at least.

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