Installing Wanikani Open Framework

I don’t know if Safari/iOS supports automatic updates. But have you looked into the Macaque app? I’m not an Apple user, but I’ve seen it recommended as an alternative for iPhone/iPad.

Thanks, I’ll keep it in mind. A minor victory today was noticing the update button in Userscripts. The documentation says it will ‘periodically’ check for updates to the scripts. I think @version, @updateURL and @downloadURL must be set, so I’ll see if they’re in the scripts already.

If you saw some documentation somewhere about that being a requirement for the apps/plugins you’re using, please point me to it and I’ll see about adding the necessary tags to my scripts.

It was in the readme for Userscripts Safari in the Metadata section:

Hi @rfindley, I’m a big fan and long time user of WK Open Framework, but it hasn’t been working for me in Chrome (on my new computer) for many months.

I was able to fix it by opening the Chrome Developer Tools and manually adding apiv2_key: my-api-key as a Local Storage entry as shown in this screenshot:

The above manual edit was necessary because the Apiv2.js parse_page function in the get_apikey function calls $(html), which results in a $ is not defined error in Chrome. I assume this is because jquery has not been loaded yet. The fix might be as simple as changing where, how, or in what order you load jquery.

Thanks for everything.

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Thanks for the heads-up. Yeah, I had removed the jquery dependency from most of WKOF back when WK started removing jquery. But it looks like I missed a few spots in Apiv2.js. I’m not sure when, but I’ll put that on the to-do list. Thanks!


ah, so I just had to update my user script from

await wkof.ready('ItemData');


// Jquery needs to be included to prevent wkof from crashing
// when apiv2_key is not already set in local storage
await wkof.ready('Jquery');

await wkof.ready('ItemData');

To get them to load in parallel…

wkof.include('ItemData, Jquery');
await wkof.ready('ItemData, Jquery');

That works great :+1:

this is amazing !

Is the title for this thread OK? Searching the forum (Search results for 'wanikani open framework' - WaniKani Community) doesn’t yield this thread easily.

It comes up with wkof, but it is confusing whether this is the right thread.


Also this thread doesn’t have [Userscript] in the title.

Some scripts send the user directly to this thread when wkof isn’t installed, and most script threads link to this one in the top-post. I suspect the main reason the forum search doesn’t show it in the top results is because people don’t post here as often as in other threads containing “Open Framework”. And there are quite a few scripts that contain “[Userscript] Wanikani Open Framework xxxxxx”, so I’m not sure that renaming it would help.


for whatever reason, using the open framework (on window) I cannot input an answer. Anyone else having this problem?

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By itself, Open Framework doesn’t actually do anything. What other scripts are you running?

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oh right. Double check gart-temp fix and the open framework is all I have. thanks for the reply!

I’m not sure if the Double-Check gart-temp fix version still works, but the regular Double-Check does. Be sure to disable the gart-temp version when you switch back to the regular one.

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Noticed a visualisation bug in the settings panel during reviews. If you have too many scripts, the panel disappears behind the text input:

Probably just a wrong z-index somewhere.
It’s a sign I should use less scripts…


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Thanks for the heads-up. I’ll take a look. (Not sure how soon, but I’ve got this on my list now.)

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Hi guys. My WK open framework script started bugging today. When I do reviews, the % count does not move and all my answers, right or wrong, are grey rather than green or red. Basically, it breaks the reviews and I can’t finish them. I use Macaque on Safari on the iPad. I switched all other scripts off and it turns out WK open frame work is the one causing this issue. Let me know if anyone else has the same issue, and if it is fixable. Thanks!

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