Hunter × Hunter | Week 2 🐸

Week 2 03 September 2022
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Home Thread Hunter × Hunter

Vocabulary and Grammar

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Last page of the week

Live Readings

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Discussion Questions

  1. What sentence/passage gave you the most difficulty? Feel free to request some help, or if you figured it out on your own break it down for the rest of us!
  2. What was your favorite new vocab word from this week’s reading?
  3. Was there any passage that you found particularly intriguing? Did it resonate with you (either positively or negatively)? Was it surprising? Offer any insight or new perspective? Was it just beautifully written?


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I went ahead and filled in most of the vocab from week 2 into the vocab sheet. If anything is missing, feel free to add it. I will do the same with the grammar sheet in a bit.

We have way less vocab for this week, only 90ish compared to the 180+ last week!


hoping to jump on and join this week! :pray:t2:


That’s great, 1 week is not too much to catch up, good luck!


It’s pretty wild how much I can understand even on low level. It’s a shame though that the furigana is so pixelated mostly right next to unfamiliar kanji or at least it feels that way (on Book Walker). The spreadsheet will sure come in handy.


If that helps, as you read more and more bad furigana you get better at reading bad furigana. And when you can’t read it even then, you can use radical search to get the kanjis


I’ve made many mistakes I’m sure, but here is my

Translation attempt for this week's reading, SPOILERS under here:)

Thanks for the translation :smile:

Some corrections

This is actually said by him, this is just “sit down”, he’s telling gon, so he can talk to him I guess

ジンさんに合わなきゃ - If I hadn’t met Ging…
俺は今頃 - I would be around now
スラム街の路地裏で - on the streets of the slum quarters
のたれ死んでいた - (のたれ死ぬ is in itself “dying by the side of the road”, but that’s already been said, so) would be dead
だろう - probably
If it wasn’t for meeting Ging, I would probably be lying dead on the roadside in the slumquarters
Also important, there’s a dakuten in the 死ぬ here, it’s じぬ

You have it right, in case of 好く, the one who is liked is the topic, and the one who likes them is the target

Yeah, bit odd, even though they are liked by animals, but sure, that’s correct

Here the ハンターと仲良い part modifies the 動物 part, “animals that are good friends with hunters cannot govern the forest”


It’s probably “or something like that”, or "around that"でも

The part that modifies 仕事 is:
the quote is made up of two parts:
子供を捨ててでも - even if you have to leave your child
続けたい - you want to continue
even if you have to leave your chilld, you want to continue
~と思う仕事 a job you think you want to continue even if you have to leave your child
or in proper english: “It’s a job you want to continue, even if it means leaving your child”

餞別せんべつ is the word there, or “farewell gift”, need to correct this in the vocab sheet too

It’s roughly “you had me there for a second” as in he must be joking to say something like that

stuff modifying 職業:
狙う獲物によっては仲間同士の殺し合いも珍しくない (removed the weird ねェ part)
the topic here is probably the hardest part
狙う獲物 the targeted loot
によって due to
so due to the goal in mind
仲間同士の殺し合い - the killing each other of comrades
も珍しくない - is not rare
due to the goal in mind, it’s not rare even for comrades to kill each other
~職業だ it’s a trade where…

I think he’s just saying “it’s going to be stormy” or “it’s going to be rough” with な being another form of ね.

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Thanks for the corrections :smiley:

That’s what I thought at first too, and I still think it might be the case, but if な indicates “imperative negative” then it suggests that a storm would be really bad (since a seasoned captain is quietly asking/praying that the weather doesn’t turn) which would both provide a double meaning that Gon could reflect on, and make the first page of the next chapter funnier :upside_down_face: so I chose to go with this interpretation

Ah, Gon is so short by comparison that to me it looked like he was already sitting :sweat_smile:

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What I base my assumption on is the ellipses at the end. I don’t think you would finish a “do not” sentence with …


Thanks to everyone providing input on the vocab and grammar sheets as well as inline translations and corrections! I’m finding them invaluable while trying to join along this time


I was seriously busy with some stuff, and couldn’t mine the grammar out into the grammar sheet yet, but hopefully I can do it tonight!

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For 好かれちまうんだ on page 27, is ちまう a verb form or is it just the latter part of the verb?

Has the な ending been used as a contraction of なさい yet or has it only been a variation of ね like the grammar sheet says?

For 親父の跡を継いでもらいたくないようだな、the hunter is basically saying “You do not want to have to follow in your fathers footsteps, right?” as I read it but isn’t he saying the opposite? “You want to follow in your father’s footsteps, right?”

It’s a verb form, ちまう, it indicates the completion of an action. Here as far as I can tell, an accurate translation would be "a good hunter is (alread) well liked by animals

It has been used as な in week 1 for sure (think of the “Mito san told me to not be someone who doesn’t keep his promise” line). Here in this week’s reading I don’t think it was ever used like that though. It’s usually quite obvious when it’s one or the other, as the ね version is usually だな

He’s talking about Mito there.
“Sounds like she doesn’t want you to follow in your father’s footsteps.”


What is the meaning of なんだ, is it “X kind of thing?” On page 32, it says “子供を捨ててでも続けたいと思う仕事なんだね” which DeepL translates into It’s a job you’d be willing to abandon your kids to keep so I guess that なんだ means ‘it’s a kind of [preceding noun]’, correct (with なん kind of being like もの and だ just being だ?)

In this situation it’s probalby just なのだ, the explanatory の particle with added な because it’s a noun preceding it, but more informal.


I’m loving how the dialogue goes from extremely difficult to super easy hahaha, it’s like getting a little treat for hanging on :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I do have questions for page 26, which was the most difficult for me: In the first panel, is he saying that he thought he would find Gin in his hometown, but it seems it was just a waste of time? I know the rest is him telling Gon how Gin is his teacher and needs to find him to be acknowledged by him, but the first two panels just confuse me so much.


I also had trouble parsing that first panel on pg.26. I totally agree that it’s a relief to have the easier panels after the super difficult ones.


I think the hunter is just saying he thought if he came to Gin’s hometown and there was some kind of clue (about Gin’s whereabouts) there, it would not be a completely wasted visit.

Maybe someone else has a better understanding, but I thought the first speech bubble was just setting up the topic:

何か手がかりがあると思い (thought some kind of clue exists and…(continuative form of 思う)) +
ジンさんの生まれ故郷に来てみたのも (I came to Gin’s hometown to see (+ の nominalizer and も topic marker))

Then the second speech bubble gives the reason:

まんざらムダ足 (altogether a visit for no reason) +
でもなかった (was not at all) +
わけだ (so that’s why)

One thing I learned from that panel was that わけだ is a grammar point of its own. Wow…that’s only 1 comic panel!