It’s different which is scary, but it seems promising. I’ll have to give it a few days before I have a solid opinion, but I"m optimistic! Hopefully any script issues will be sorted out soon too.
This is actually not a bad Idea.
Forecast looks cool, the gigantic buttons for lessons and reviews not so much.
Interesting and handy to see, although I would love to be able to drill down into the figures to see which reviews will be coming up.
I personally really like it, but I never installed the review forecast script. I think the pictures are cute enough to merit them staying, as it motivates me to do reviews/lessons to get a different image.
Yeah, gigantic, waste of space lesson/review buttons are the worst. It actually makes it harder to see how many reviews you have because the number is buried in the corner. That number should be front and center, the first thing you focus on. I don’t need a cute cartoon. I need the number.
I actually really like it. Like a few others I don’t use scripts either so I have never really seen any timeline information. The forecast is super nice because until now I have had no idea when reviews would come and would sometimes leave it for like 3 hours and get 500 new reviews. So knowing a few days ahead and when to expect jumps in reviews is awesome. also the buttons don’t really bother me but I have also given up on using my phone.
Do the review forecasts take into account time zone? I can’t remember if I put my time zone in WaniKani anywhere…
Anyway, I like how the new design looks. I actually enjoy the lesson/review buttons and think they’re very cute, but I haven’t considered much of the functionality yet.
I like the design in general and looks great on my square screened work computer but if they haven’t adjusted the layout for widescreen computers then I’m not going to be able to my levels kanji without scrolling on my laptop at home which makes me sad
I don’t feel like the review forecast is giving me any useful information. I’d maybe like to see a further breakdown of what exactly is coming up - kanji, radical or vocabulary. It’s good that the buttons are now bigger but perhaps went to the other extreme of being too big…? And like someone else mentioned, there’s no reason for there still to be 2 clicks to the actual input page
On mobile - meh.
On desktop, I’ll find userscript to fix it, once I’l have time.
Can’t confirm for sure since I don’t have any reviews for a while but I believe it does. If it didn’t, then considering the time difference between Tofugu and me, my reviews would be listed as sometime yesterday.
I like it, but I want the new timeline to merge with the ultimate timeline to become perfection
I really like the review forecast. It’s something I use frequently in Anki to plan for spending extra study time on days where I’ll have a lot more reviews to do. It also gives me more confidence that I can keep up throughout the week, and I can plan for the best hour of the day to do my reviews. Overall, I’d say I feel more motivated to study now.
I’m coming back from a very long break from WK, and I’m a bit traumatized after spending several weeks doing 200+ reviews almost daily to catch back up. It’s nice to see that things are going to slow down again now.
If you edit the script and replace line 332 with the following it will fix the extended timeline until the official release is updated.
default: $(‘div.progress-and-forecast’).before(timeline); break;
I don’t really like it.
The pictures are cute but I liked the lesson/review count to be more simple. I liked for the apprentice/guru/master/enlightened/burned count to be at the top.
I guess the forecast information is nice but I don’t feel like I need it.
They already addressed this in one of the Preview Forums, if I remember correctly. They tried different things, but ultimately went with what we got. It was something about it being too cluttered or something and that most users would have no interest that (true). Most users just want to know when reviews are coming and how many?
I love the new Review Forecast but I want the old Lessons and Reviews buttons back.
The new buttons are pointlessly big; they don’t add any functionality and are just there to look pretty. The problem with new stuff that is only meant to be pretty is that the ‘pretty’ is very hit and miss, depending on the person. Some people may like it, others won’t. I don’t like it. Since it has no real functionality and is only a stylistic choice, I hope that you allow us to customize it, to choose between the old and new versions.
I think mainly I’d like the color coding for the SRS levels.Show me when my clumps of apprentice items are. I don’t use the ultimate timeline for things like specific level brackets or what items are in each clump.
There’s a way to remove the Review Forecast if you don’t like it. I just saw it on one of the forums
Scroll down and look through that.