How would you say "Let's meet somewhere like A or B"

I was going to write A場でもB場でも会いましょう but I’m not sure that’s right.

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I have no idea if that’s natural. Just guessing. :laughing:


My attempt, don’t know if it’s natural sounding as well, though

A ka B no yōna basho de aimashō


If it’s something like “let’s meet at A or B”, I’d probably go with 「AかBか、どこかで会いましょう」
If it’s “let’s meet somewhere like A or B”, probably something like 「AやBみたいなところで会いましょう」

No clue if this is exactly right but it’s my best guess :sweat_smile:


Welcome to the forums!

Is that Google Translate? That sounds like Google Translate.

I suggest not using Google Translate. It’s not very good at Japanese.

Ohh, it wasn’t from google translate, I had no idea it sounded like it was from there :sweat_smile:
Just some vocabulary I picked up from Duolingo.

Ah, well then, my bad. You managed to get something that’s word-for-word identical to what Google Translate suggested when I tried it. :stuck_out_tongue:

I think the issue is that you’ve taken the “like” in the English version too literally. The sentence doesn’t mean “let’s meet in a place that’s similar to A or B”, but rather “Let’s meet at A or B or something along those lines”.

My suggestion:

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Ahh, yes I did focus on “like” haha.
Your wording for the actual meaning (“Let’s meet … along those lines”) cleared it up for me, thank you!

I think this has to end with a か for it to be natural. I know using a single Aでも is a way of making a suggestion in this context, and I think it’s quite natural, but I’ve never seen two in a row.

I think this might work: AとかBとかで(も)会いましょうか。


For what it’s worth, I’d totally say that, especially if I was asking a question (so with か)! So that’s not to say it’s perfect grammar, but you’d definitely make yourself understood if using that in conversation :blush:

I think if it was me I would say,


or, if you wanted to ask them for their opinion maybe,


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Thanks all for the good responses! I was definitely thinking about it more critically than usual because it was for a formal email

That might have been a critical piece of information to have… :sweat_smile:

I for example wouldn’t use とか in a formal email, but I was thinking you were going to send the message to a friend or an acquaintance, therefore my suggestion also would have been replacing でも with とか, because でも sounds kind of formal to me.

So the answers can really vary a lot depending on the context.


I’m not sure any of the responses are appropriate for a formal email… Though, obviously no one knew to aim for that. That would affect not only the phrasing the listing part, but also the verb form used. It’s not like anything here would have been rude, just not formal.


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