How to change mastery of a kanji

I had just finished some reviews and I accidentally failed a kanji via mistype, but I had thought that it would still pop up in about 8 hours, so I finished the reviews anyway, but I had forgotten that it was almost gurued so it won’t pop up until tomorrow, preventing my level up. Is there anyway if changing the mastery of a kanji?

This is my first community post, so I apologize if I made any mistakes.

Sorry, no. But once the system has logged a mistake it is permanently/promoted or demoted by the servers. There is no going back.

I wouldn’t think too hard about it though. Typo or not, if it’s something you know, you’ll have little trouble getting it back to where it was. Same for burn reviews, no one nails all items on first attempt anyways. You’re in good company. ^^’


Yeah that’s what I thought:(

Thanks for the quirky reply though!


What’s so quirky about that reply?

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You’re quirky! >:D

(maybe because i edited a few times? XD)

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It changes mystery of a kanji?

I misread.






If you can, I recommend installing the “Double Check” user script. It allows you to re-enter an answer when you made a typo.

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