How many reviews do you get a day?

Hi everyone,

I’m currently a level 5 in WK, working my way through bit by bit. As it stands, I usually have around 90 reviews every day (ish). I’m just wondering for those on different levels, what does your typical daily review count look like? And how do you manage it?
Thanks :smile:


My reviews hover around the 30-50 range, though I only made the decision to go slow a few months ago and still have old reviews coming back to spike that over 100 every now and then.


It varies of course a lot depending on how many lessons you do every day and your average accuracy. When I was doing one level/week I would get around 200 reviews every day.


I’ve been spending about two weeks per level and I usually get somewhere between 100 and 150 reviews a day.


Between 200 and 300 reviews a day. That’s doing all the lessons and reviews every day. It’s too many! I’m going to stop doing lessons until i get down to 100 reviews a day and then only do enough lessons to keep it to 100


You can use the Wanikani estimator to get a rough picture of how many reviews you’ll get in the future if you do X number of lessons per day.

As an estimate, your number of reviews will be approximately your number of Apprentice items plus 10% of your Guru items. You can use that knowledge to control your number of reviews by controlling how many lessons you do per day and thereby how many Apprentice items you get. I do 10 lessons per day, never more and never less, I have about 70 Apprentice items and 300 Guru items, and do around 100 reviews per day.


I average around 170 reviews per day and started out leveling up about once a week but have slowed down a bit recently (still not slow but usually a couple days more than a week)


I stopped doing Wanikani, but when I was still active I would get about 200 a day. Taking a little over a week person level. It was rough at first, but once you manage to make it fall into a rhythm, it stops feeling like a lot.

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100-200. Usually 150 but sometimes it’ll be lower or higher end. Looks like tomorrow I’m only getting 100 reviews plus today’s new vocab after I review them the first time in a few hours


The typical responses you got ranged between 100 and 200 reviews per day. But keep in mind that most of those people were leveling up between 1 to 2 weeks per level!

You, on the other hand, are going at a much slower pace and yet you’re averaging 90 reviews per day. So it seems to me that your accuracy is not very good causing you to keep reviewing the same items over and over. [If I’m wrong that forget the rest!]

Many others that have posted in the past (just not to your post) have stated that they keep their reviews down to 50 or so and up to 100 a day at max. They manage to do this by limiting the number of lessons per day (or per week). So you should reassess the number of lessons you’re doing along with your accuracy rate. If your accuracy is poor, then stop doing lessons and concentrate on improving your accuracy which will then decrease your reviews.

When the number of reviews are manageable, then start doing lessons SLOWLY and keep an eye on your accuracy and number of reviews. Once you get into this rhythm, you can then better adjust your lessons to be in tune with what you can manage comfortably.

Note, I’m one of the slow ones and I’m okay with that :slight_smile:
Best wishes to you!


I agree with the poster above me about how to keep reviews manageable. I’ve been going at a pretty steady 10-12 days per level since September. 15 lessons/day in the morning, then reviews at lunch for the new items, then 100-150 reviews in the evening. This is my second time through - got up to level 53 last year before life got in the way and I didn’t do WK for about 6 months. I had to reset to 1 after I realized that almost nothing had stuck above level 10 or so. I’d been rushing the first time through, prioritizing kanji and radicals and ignoring most vocab, so I missed a lot of the context that helps things stick for me. This time, doing a steady but manageable pace has worked well, but the one or two times I had to skip reviews in the evening it quickly got to a point where I couldn’t manage the review pile. So find an amount of lessons per day that works for you and stick with it to keep your review pile at a consistently manageable level.


I get between 150 and 250 per day. Fortunately I have a job that affords quite a bit of free time that allows for ease of study.

Just keep plugging and it will all fall in place. I find it pretty easy to take the effort to study because I find kanji interesting and need it to keep improving in order to improve my own quality of life.


I think at 15 lessons per day with an average of 97% accuracy on reading/meaning, I get pretty close to 100 plus/minus 10 each day. Makes for an average of 12 days per level.

But find something that works for you. If the reviews become overwhelming, you can always take a small break from doing new lessons.


I’m doing 10 lessons a day and I get around 120 reviews per day.

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I get around 50 a day. I don’t have the capacity to do any more than that, so I make sure I go slow.


My job circumstances this past year allowed me to go full fast-mode for WaniKani. Can’t say I recommend it but I’ve been long use to it lol.

Before the fast levels, I was averaging around 100-200 reviews a day, but with the fast levels and trying to maintain a 0/0 streak, I’ve been averaging around 250-400 reviews a day. The Tsurukame app set to Anki mode really helps things stay manageable if I’m not around my computer.