Dear all, I don’t know how to write づ in the reviews. Can someone help? =)
Try typing du instead of zu.
Thank you, will try that. I have another question. How do I type ぢ?
Try typing “di” instead of “chi” to get ぢ。
The logic behind this is that simply, chi and tsu are in the t column.
So if ta becomes da end te becomes de, then ti (-> chi) becomes di (-> dzi), and tu (-> tsu) becomes du (-> dzu).
Similarly si (-> shi) becomes zi (->dzi)
Yes, but “ji” works just fine for this in any IME I’ve used.
That’s because of a different romanization systems, though, and the fact that ‘j’ couldn’t represent anything else so there’s no ambiguity. ‘j’ is accepted as じ じゃ じゅ じょ in a way that ‘zu’ couldn’t possibly be accepted as づ because ず exists.
sssh ぢ doesn’t exist
I use that one too, but I was mostly expanding upon the logic of the way the IME works for づ and ぢ
Typing じゃ with “zya” isn’t so mainstream I see.
Thank you =)
I downloaded an app to my phone which has a map of all Michi no Eki in Japan, and it uses the weirdest romanisations, like someone with a romaji keyboard typing each kana out explicitly. For example:
Well, “zya” is very awkward to type since it involves the little finger twice in rapid succession. So slow and tiring…
I use zya, tya and similar forms, as I find them more logical and consistent with other ya/yu/yo forms.
Wowie, somebody didn’t use wanakana.toRomaji(str)
It’s in the WK user guide. I know、bc I asked the same question and the mods updated the FAQ to reflect same.
The guide isn’t always easy to find、but incredibly useful. Hope it helps you on your journey!
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