I have been trying to pay attention to the meaning and reading explanations for when and how to recognize which readings to use and when certain words are just exceptions.
Today I got a lesson for the vocab word 何千 and under the reading explanation it states that this is a jukugo word which usually uses On’yomi readings for the kanji. This sort of implies that both readings are On’yomi, but the reading given is なんぜん.
The kanji for 何 has the reading なん listed as a Kunyomi reading.
So I guess my question is if I am understanding this correctly?
I’ve notice some vocab words don’t even have readings listed under the kanji, some are just exceptions like “下手”.
To be honest, I didn’t even know the Onyomi reading for this! - as everything I’ve encountered thus far has used either “nani / nan” (don’t have IME on this computer) as a reading.
I checked all WaniKani usage of this kanji to see if any vocab in any future levels use the “ka” Onyomi reading…and nope! It’s just “nan / nani”.
As @sansarret mentioned…it was a typo. Don’t sweat this one too much. The “ka” reading seems pretty isolated in its usage.
If you have any questions, check out this thread; but if this doesn’t answer your questions, feel free to create a thread like you’re done here, or email The Wanikani staff.
Good luck, and I look forward to seeing you around!
Yeah, as it’s been said, it was probably a typo, but in general for question-related things - 何 if its on it’s own and 何 if it’s next to anything. That’s what i’ve found at least.