Gripe about multiple readings

I really wish WaniKani would make mnemonics for vocabulary words that consist of kanji that have either more than one kunyomi or onyomi reading (ie - 人生. 人 onyomi can be read as じん or にん). When I am being reviewed for older vocabulary words I haven’t reviewed in a long time, it gets fuzzy which reading to use and WK’s response to the reading portion of the vocabulary is “You know your readings for x and y…”. Just a little feedback that a mnemonic for the correct onyomi reading when there are more than one (same if it is kunyomi) could help users like me solidify their understanding of the vocabulary


I definitely agree, same goes for the reading of 作 for me, whether it is さく or just さっ can confuse me.

The shortened versions of the readings definitely trip me up too

Not related but wow that’s a djinni icon!

Actually related but where there are two readings like さく and さっ, the difference is predictable. On’yomi that end in く、つ、or ち will be reduced to っ if the following kanji in a compound starts with a T, K, H(->P), or S-line syllables. (This is a generalization, grammatical syntax can bend it.)


I don’t know if a mnemonic would really help with the 人 reading to be honest. It’s notoriously difficult and for me it doesn’t really click until I’ve heard it a few times and one version starts to feel more ‘natural’. There is kind of a rule (with exceptions ofc) though when a word ends in 人. If it’s a more permanent condition (such as a nationality) it’s mostly jin and if its a more temporary thing (such as a job) it’s more often nin. Hope that helps a little.

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