Help me understand the understands

On the one hand we have 分かる, but what about りかいする? I figured they are mostly synonymous but have different nuances. Is the former “to understand” used in a more specific sense, and does it sound more prestigious? Thankya!

To my friends in the U S of A:

HAPPY FOURTH!!!:fireworks::sparkler::us::fireworks::sparkler::us::fireworks::sparkler::us::fireworks::sparkler::us::statue_of_liberty::tada::sparkles:

To my friends in Britain:

(If you know what this is from I salute you, sir/madam) And FYI, I make my own gifs :sunglasses:

To everyone else: Er, happy Tuesday? Or Wednesday?

Little Witch Academia just finished airing not long ago, so anyone that watches anime should know what it is.

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Are you sure you don’t mean 理解する (りかいする)?

In that case, I think they have very similar meanings, but 分かる/わかる has a broader meaning/context. From weblio, it appears that わかる/分かるcan be used for a variety of meanings: 理解する (to understand), 知る (to know), 判明する (to turn out), to appreciate/have an eye/ear for (art, music, etc.), 認知する (to recognize), to learn/find out. For the most part, 理解する seems to have a narrower meaning: to understand/figure out/comprehend.

When in doubt, I’d just use わかる, since it covers more meanings.

Really? I find people don’t know much about Trigger. I watched all of their productions (and only their productions) in the past six months or so. This was my favorite and I’ve felt it’s underrated compared to Kill la Kill. I hadn’t watched anime since I was 14 and I found this while looking for something to watch with my half-brother who’s 9.33 years younger than I am. I ended up getting way more into it than he did. XD That all led, somewhat indirectly, to me joining WaniKani… and him preferring subs! *takes a bow

I’m both afraid and ecstatic about the Netflix debut. I want it to be successful because it’s deserved, and a validation that an anime can succeed without battles or love triangles or hypersexualized women. And if it is popular enough, they’ll surely make some sort of sequel/prequel. But you know, I would be bothered liking something that’s popular on netflix. Sigh…

By the way I have no idea what your (and 98% of others’) avatar is a reference to.

WOOPS! I’ll correct. I know that りかい is understanding + する = do understanding
わかる has a more complicated etymology which is mentioned briefly on WK.

So like “to discern/discerning?”

That more or less covers all of the things you mentioned, except for “to turn out”.

Oh, good. I was hoping so, because otherwise my answer would’ve been wasted (see my previous post–I added more information).

And I replied to it :slight_smile:

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For 理解する? Yeah, that seems right. To be honest, I don’t have the clearest grasp of this either, but from the usage I’ve heard/seen, わかる is much more commonly used and has a broader meaning, while 理解理解する simply means “to comprehend/grasp/discern”.

I guess it’s like how a square is a rectangle, but a rectangle isn’t necessarily a square: 理解する is synonymous with わかる, but わかる is not always synonymous with 理解する.

Or so I think, unless someone more knowledgeable comes by to refute me.

Why do Americans feel the need to act like such obnoxious morons on the 4th of July?

I think there are plenty that know of that studio. I’m a big fan of them. My avatar is Chiya from Urara Meirochou.

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Acting like an obnoxious moron is part of our national heritage.


Making a rude generalized statement like that doesn’t make you seem so nice either. If you are referring to OP’s comment, it was quite obviously a joke.


Haha I was joking too dude


But Britain didn’t recognize U.S. Independence until September 3, 1783 (Treaty of Paris) or May 12, 1784 if you go by “effective” date, so they couldn’t have considered to have “gotten rid” of the U.S. until then. :thinking:

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Sometimes it’s hard to let go eh

Thanks! I I’ll definitely use this resource in the future. By the way, I have to pat myself on the back. The words are very, very, similar. I have been validated by Keep in mind there are 5 pages. Seriously, compare. It covers all the meanings of 分ける to a t with the exception of the third. Literally, all of the words on the definition page are covered except for the third meaning. It even has the same unique sense of “having good taste” (best elaborated on the discerning synonyms) And I think 分ける also covers affixed forms, like the adjective form and discerned. And the third definition “to be announced, to prove to be” is covered to an extent by “to be discerned”. Anyway, I’m awesome. I’m discerning. I AM THE WORD WHISPERER. NOTHING WILL BE LOST IN TRANSLATION, NOTHING!!!
Kay I’m done.

Did you not realize that my chauvinism was sardonic and self-effacing? With the exception of my message to the Brits. That stands :wink:

Sure you were… :smirk:

You know so much about our founding that you can’t possibly be American!