Help I just can´t find a good common kana-only Anki deck. I found a good one while looking through some old WaniKani posts but it was only a demo, but it had all the features I was looking for namely: Japanese to English questions whit multiple choice answers, can´t find it again was posted by some one with a polar-bear avatar. the name of the deck was “Anki WK(Demo)” I think.
All other decks I have found have been either listening comprehension, English to Japanese or whit only the default Anki interface that puts me to sleep.
So if anyone can give a link to the complete version of the Demo deck (if there is one) or recommend another good one I would be very grateful. Also please not a too large deck, I have limited study time.
Alternatives to Anki is also welcome.
As always sorry if my Dyslexia made a mess of any of what I try to write.
I am relay not interested in fielding around whit Anki so if there is no ready to go deck I will most likely try something else but will consider your solution if all else fails
ohh sorry didn’t notice I got a reply I am not on the forum section so frequently.
But yes that is the one, So is there a full version or is it up to me to do all the fiddling around whit Anki that I have exceedingly little interest in doing?
OK now it worked better than last time but I am still doing something wrong I want the Japanese to English whit multiple-choice answers layout and I only get the standard English to Japanese
This is most likely just Me not having any idea what I am doing so will read some instructions on how to do Anki magic and see if I can get it right eventually.
There was no 6K deck only 10K but that is OK.
OK now I finally see what I did wrong, I was expecting It all to end up in the Kana sub group but all ended up in de main DEMO section. So now I think it works as intended.