My current Userscript
- WaniKani LevelUP Celebrator
- WaniKani Timeline (rfindley)
- WaniKani - Christmas kappa edition
- WK But No Cigar
- WaniKani Phonetic-Semantic Composit…
- WaniKani Level Duration
- WaniKani Dashboard Progress Plus
- Renbow h4x
- Wanikani Override
- WaniKani Item Marker
- Wanikani Mistake Delay
- WK Do You Even Kana?
- Wanikani Dashboard Active Topics Pa…
- WaniKani Review Order
- WaniKani Lesson Ordering II
- WaniKani Lesson User Synonyms
- Wanikani Review Info Page Link
- WaniKani Stroke Order
- Wanikani Multiple Answer Input
- Wanikani Self-Study Quiz Edition
- WaniKani Context Sentences in Revie…
- WaniKani Part-of-Speech
- WaniKani Context Sentences in Review #158
- WaniKani Part-of-Speech WaniKani Part-of-Speech
I use TamperMonkey on Safari.
Currently, WaniKani Timeline is turned to off due to aesthetics. I only turn it on when I need it. Partly, my choice is based on aesthetic, not really on usability.
//BTW, this list can be useful for me too, when I change to a new computer.