Hello! New to the site and I need help

Hi, I’m new! How do install extensions from greasy fork? I want the stroke order one from jisho. Also are there any other extensions you guys recommend?

Nice to meet you!

Anyone? ;_;

Visual guide on how to install userscripts: /t/Visual-Guide-on-How-To-Install-A-Userscript/12136/1

Yeah there’s a good stickied thread in the 3rd Party & API that has a good list.

I would recommend Jitai & the Ultimate Timeline.

Also a list of a ton of scripts: /t/The-New-And-Improved-List-Of-API-and-Third-Party-Apps/7694/1

Some suggestions from me and other users: /t/User-script-list/14772/1

JackTsuchiyama said... Yeah there's a good stickied thread in the 3rd Party & API that has a good list.

I would recommend Jitai & the Ultimate Timeline.
 Thank you oh so very much!

My current Userscript

  1. WaniKani LevelUP Celebrator
  2. WaniKani Timeline (rfindley)
  3. WaniKani - Christmas kappa edition
  4. WK But No Cigar
  5. WaniKani Phonetic-Semantic Composit…
  6. WaniKani Level Duration
  7. WaniKani Dashboard Progress Plus
  8. Renbow h4x
  9. Wanikani Override
  10. WaniKani Item Marker
  11. Wanikani Mistake Delay
  12. WK Do You Even Kana?
  13. Wanikani Dashboard Active Topics Pa…
  14. WaniKani Review Order
  15. WaniKani Lesson Ordering II
  16. WaniKani Lesson User Synonyms
  17. Wanikani Review Info Page Link
  18. WaniKani Stroke Order
  19. Wanikani Multiple Answer Input
  20. Wanikani Self-Study Quiz Edition
  21. WaniKani Context Sentences in Revie…
  22. WaniKani Part-of-Speech
I myself recommend the last two.
  1. WaniKani Context Sentences in Review #158
  2. WaniKani Part-of-Speech WaniKani Part-of-Speech

I use TamperMonkey on Safari.

Currently, WaniKani Timeline is turned to off due to aesthetics. I only turn it on when I need it. Partly, my choice is based on aesthetic, not really on usability.

//BTW, this list can be useful for me too, when I change to a new computer.

patarapolw said...3. WaniKani Timeline (rfindley)
Currently, WaniKani Timeline is turned to off due to aesthetics. I only turn it on when I need it. Partly, my choice is based on aesthetic, not really on usability.
FYI, on the newer version (Ultimate Timeline), it has the ability to minimize, and it loads a lot faster.  And if you don't like the new item details, you can turn them off in the settings.
rfindley said...
patarapolw said...3. WaniKani Timeline (rfindley)
Currently, WaniKani Timeline is turned to off due to aesthetics. I only turn it on when I need it. Partly, my choice is based on aesthetic, not really on usability.
FYI, on the newer version (Ultimate Timeline), it has the ability to minimize, and it loads a lot faster.  And if you don't like the new item details, you can turn them off in the settings.
 Thanks and tested --> changed to the new one. But so many options, which is both good point and bad point. I ended up tweaking a little to my liking. (Height 100px + minimize + 24-hour clock + do not show review details)