Grammar points written in kana

Hey everyone!

I’m going through the grammar points in the 完全マスター books and I keep seeing grammar points written in kana even though they have a kanji within them. Here are examples:


Instead of




Instead of


Is there a special reason that the kana reading is used instead of the kanji? Are they just not used with their kanji?



When words in grammar points are used abstractly, or in idiomatic ways, they tend not to be written with kanji. So when ところ appears in grammar points it’s unlikely to be written 所. When いく comes after a て form to mean “continuing on into the future” it’s unlikely to be written 行く. I’m not sure it’s ever “wrong” to write them with kanji, but it might be less clear to a native in some scenarios where the literal meaning or the idiomatic grammar point meaning are both possible.


Right, I was thinking in the same manner that they just aren’t used with their kanji variants, but I found that a little confusing since using the kanji to me provides a little more detail and aids me in the comprehension of the grammar point.
I never thought the grammar and the literal usage of the kanji could be mixed in some scenarios though :thinking:

That actually came up here the other day, in a question about ところ.

ところに and ところへ can both be used in a grammar point that meaning two things happened at the same time. If the second thing that happened is someone moving about, it could actually look like the ところ is the place they went to if you used 所.

It’s probably hard to contrive scenarios like that, but it’s just become a standard of writing.


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