Im so happy right now.
I was the first to reply to the first reply on the post about the first burn!
Congrats. It’s gonna take a while for me, I just got my first Masters yesterday. Btw, what are the intervals before enlightened and burned? 1 Month and 4 Months?
4h, 8h, 23h, 1d23h, 1w, 2w, 1m, 4m.
You’re a barbarian!
I still don’t have any burns…
So great, good job!
It’s not a matter of level, but time. It takes at least 6 months to start burning stuff. I only started getting burns around lvl 25/26 or so So it may take a while for some.
Congratulations! ;D
This past weekend, I finally got my count of Master items higher than Apprentice. I’m still a ways off from burning anything, but that’s only to be expected at my level. I can’t wait to get where you are!
That means you’re pretty speedy
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