Getting overwhelmed

I’ve started taking the approach of not going above 100 apprentice items, I will also space out lessons on level up, 20 here, 20 there etc, and if doing lessons will take me above 100 apprentice items, i will hold off… Seems to make it a bit more manageable, and less trying to cram absolutely new things into my head.

I’ve also stopped caring about the radicals, unofficial ones especially, and will just use the ignore script to get them right.

I could tell doing what I was doing, once I got to like level 20 or even less, I’d just get absolutely hammered and overwhelmed. Lifetime member so not like I need to get them done as quick as I can.

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As many have said it will go up, I try to keep at least 150 in my apprentice group at any one time, it goes up and down as I go through things, I don’t worry too much about vocab, unless I’m making stupid mistakes, then I will try to remember to slow down and focus, So far my highest review count at one sitting was 124, i’ve got 165 moving through in the next 24 hours, i’ve also hit that point with several that i’m going into enlightened.which means I’ll slow down unless i feed the chain more. In the end, take it how ever you want, and just enjoy, ask questions and learn

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I second this, @genehayes. Right down to max 20 lessons a day and 60-80 apprentice items.

Another way you can do things if the frequency of reviews is the problem is to only do your reviews and lessons 1 or 2 times a day, or at certain times. I’m not in that camp myself, but I know some people are and for those that do it works for them.

Some people want to level up fast and may​ have specific timelines for their goals. If that’s not you going slow may be better - especially if you’re feeling overwhelmed.

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What I really do is…

  • 1-2 days before level up, drill level+1 kanji on meaning and WK_emphasis
  • 2-3 days before first batch of lessons comes up (usually at level up), drill level+1 on KaniWani style (EN–>JP)
  • I use Anki to drill, with a period of (10 min), 4 hours, 8 hours.

So, I usually do all lessons at once, and sometimes all reviews at once.

Anyway, I think it is the matter of adaptation. I used to do a batch of 15 lessons per session, multiple sessions per day, too.

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Arr, maaan, it depends on why the heck you are here. Or more like, you’re here to study this Jap, yea? Then do you want to get the language ASAP or not? That’s the thing. Life’s quite short and you have only so much years potentially being able to understand and speak Japanese.
Also they say it’s possible to finish WaniKani in a year or so if you do things as they appear. I read about people waking up in the middle of a night to do reviews. So you actually doing the best thing.
WaniKani is a wonderful project, yet it’s not a final answer in studying Jap. It’s more like a good foundation for farther learning.

Look, as I see it, your problem isn’t that you learn too much (I actually doubt if there is ‘too much’). Your problem is that you learn kanji not good enough. Look at this in such way: why does it matter how many reviews you get if you know the kanji? It’s just a question of time then. And when you know your stuff (i.e. you learnt it good) answering 100 reviews or so is a 15-min task, that’s it.

Here’s a good tip 4 ya. It will considerably slow your learning process, but the benefits are much bigger.
Write down a kanji when you learn it, thinking about a mnemonic. When I started to do so my learning efficiency increased considerably. Plus you’ll practice writhing. And even if they like to say that nobody writes by hand these days, it’s still a skill a normal educated person should be able to do. Also, you’ll get faster once you get the hang of writing down these still new and unusual for your hand characters.
I guess there’s no need to tell why this is helpful. Writing it down one time is enough to get a memory encoding boost.
If you’re interested, here’s a link for a start. There are different opinions there, too.

And I’d suggest installing these things. They’ll really help:

WaniKani Improve
Wanikani Override
Wanikani - Kanji Stroke Order on Hover (you’d want to write these things properly, right?)


I have been averaging a level every 11.5 days.

毎日。。。毎日 250 fucking reviews

My brain’s melting.

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If you get the WaniKani Reorder Script (and maybe other scripts have this option?) you can do 1x1 mode, which means one item will appear at a time, meaning and definition, though not necessarily in that order. I just started using it and it makes my reviews go so much faster and I’m like “how did I just discover this now?” Also the app has 1x1 mode as well, which is great since no userscripts on tablets, phones, whatever.

But if you’re worried about WK forgetting that you got half of something right, then use 1x1 mode and never worry about that again. Seriously wish I had discovered and started using this earlier…

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i’m not sure why he was worried about losing progress. doesn’t it only go through about 5 or 10 items before you loop to the word again? you’d only be 5-10 words behind if you were to lose connection, the moment you complete a word it saves the word progress, what’s there to be worried about

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Does anyone make physical flashcards to learn? I’m still super new, only on level 1, and I’m wondering if flashcards are going to get unreasonable after a few levels when I have hundreds to learn…like, if I do 4 radicals per card, am I going to have a person-sized stack of cards eventually?

use anki if you want flashcards, because you’ll probably have thousands. you don’t really need flash cards for wanikani since it’s also using SRS

Thanks for the suggestion…just downloaded.

I know you’re not using it as a slur, but I still cringe every time I see “Jap”.


this is the first time i’ve ever seen someone refer to the language as jap and hopefully the last

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Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, you’re not thinking straight, right? How in the world would you consider a short form of a word as a bad thing, slur even?? Here, of all places, people should have some linguistics knowledge and understanding, right?

The fact that such a shortening worries you is like you being a linguistic racist, seriously. I’m not angry or protecting the word, I’m just genuinely confused and shocked by such narrow-mindedness and intolerance. Sorry if I offend you in some way, guys, but I fail to express it in any other way.

“Jap is an English abbreviation of the word ‘Japanese.’ Today it is generally regarded as an ethnic slur among Japanese minority populations in other countries…” -Wikipedia

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I don’t think it’s being narrow-minded or intolerant at all.

That shortening has a history related to violence, hatred, bigotry, racism, and oppression. And not only a history, but it’s still used in the manner of a slur, today.
Pretty much it’s only use is as a slur…
Meaning it, by itself, is considered a racist term. Even if you use it in a manner not intended to be racist.

It’s the same for other slurs. People can use it in a way that is intended to be positive or neutral, but that doesn’t erase its history and current usage. It doesn’t erase the impact on the people it is used against.
Impact > Intent

If you want to think of that as narrow minded, so be it. But I think it’s more the opposite. Seeing it as a whole, as well as seeing it on a smaller/more detailed and/or individual basis.

Discussing that a term is racist and makes someone concerned or uncomfortable does not make them a racist, that’s strange and silly logic, in my opinion.

Nobody is stopping you from using it, just stating that they hope not to hear it used in that manner (or any manner, really) again.


Ah, I see you’re from Russia per your profile? In America at least (I can’t speak for other countries, being American) the word has frequently been used as a very offensive slur again Japanese people. It’s not a matter of not thinking straight, but a cultural difference perhaps. It’s not being a linguist racist, it’s a legitimate racist slur in America and has been seen as such since WWII. Here’s a dictionary entry for English Language learners that points it out: Jap Definition & Meaning | Britannica Dictionary

ETA: The Wikipedia article which gives some more information.

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What app do you use? It seems like myself as well as many others (based on the app review) can’t get the ‘unofficial’ WaniKani app from the App Store to work. It always immediately crashes upon trying to login.

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This is what I use and have not had problems with:

Is it the one you were looking at?

I was referring to the top app on the iPhone app store… however, after going and searching again just now, it looks like the 2nd app on the list in the app store works GREAT!

It’s this one for anyone that is looking for an iPhone app.