it’s still very early for you… try keeping apprentice items down to a number that’s manageable.
and if/when that doesn’t work (probably leech issues) - WK still has done absolutely nothing with regards to a built in tool…
but if/when leech issues run out of control…then use your next day reviews count to decide how many lessons you will do…
it will take a while to find that balance…the whole “yes you can do WK in year” may be possible…but that’s only a very small handful of people and the number of poeple that give up before ever finishing WK is much greater…
do what works for you at your pace…start with apprentice item management and then as you build more and more then look at next day review counts for the week and see where it puts you
I’m only barely halfway through and buried under leeches…(not to derail)…but as an example there are days I don’t even do lessons…and I’ll have 50 apprentice items and 100 reviews…thus my recommendation to look at the next day review count to keep things manageable. (I’m hell bent on not resetting)…Will all depend on your own schedule/timing/desire etc…
As many will tell you it’s a marathon, not a sprint… for comparison…started WK 2.5 years ago…
this is my reality my average accuracy (is around 70-75%)…based on the reviews (I’m not one of those that can get 100% on every review - also be prepared my burn fail rate is about 50%…so many of them go round and round multiple times)…and what you see if you compare yourself to others, are a lot of very high review scores…but the lower ones like mine aren’t as prevalent…SRS timings really matter per individual and when they are off, the SRS doesn’t work very well IMO
those long bars you see are after having all apprentice items being leeches and no room for new lessons…spent time just hammering reviews for months to try to get them under control and started new lessons again. but i have NEVER reset… and never missed review days! (don’t forget about vacation mode - used that for 1 week) and the average level up for me is about a month…heck of a lot longer than a year with 60 levels … right?!
The first 3 levels that are free don’t really tell you if WK is right for you IMO…it will take a while to find a pace that works for you. Go slow or fast…until you find just the right blend that you can keep up with day to day work/life/etc…whatever else you had.
If you want to study jp and have fun, don’t just to WK…use other resources, this will also force you to go slower. Best of luck…no matter what route you choose to go… even as frustrating as it is… just keep going even if it’s a tiny bit every day.
I will say (if I had to do it over again) I would not have used WK knowing what I know now. It’s a good platform and thankfully I have a lifetime sub…but if I didn’t have a lifetime, I’d long ago moved to an anki deck started grinding them out - as much as I really h8 how boring anki is
EDIT: Since this was made a solution, and I said what I did above…wasn’t expecting this to be a solution … Wanted to clarify why I said what I did above as well as add a couple of positive thoughts as to why I have not given up on WK at this time.
Constructive criticism meant here: The main reason I said what I did above, was that the two things that WK lacks overall are
1. A good BUILT-IN leech manager.
Don’t know what that looks like, but there are various ways to improve the SRS, (dynamic, ghost reviews, adjustable timing options, etc)….but this is something I know just about ever user wants, but WK has yet to implement. Yes, there are scripts, but I want something built in period. Why have to monkey around with additional reviews and/or tools when it’s an inherent problem within the platform itself. This is my primary reason for stating what I did above. With Anki you can adjust the interval timing to ensure ideal SRS timing for the individual. If WK ever comes up with something built-in, that works halfway decently, my opinion would change really quickly on this.
2. The other downside, is I don’t know all the kanji yet.
It’s only now that I’m starting to be frustrated and notice this is getting more annoying. Seems silly but after 2.5 years of never missing a review and slowly grinding away I could have learned them all by now. I’ve burned over 3300 items, that’s well more than the basic 2000 kanji in quantity. This is frustrating when working through native material. There are pros and cons here with learning only the kanji (no vocab,) and there are both sides of the coin. The vocab reinforces the kanji and w/o vocab you are looking stuff up all the time. However, not having seen a kanji for something that’s common but for example something that’s level 40-50, is frustrating as I won’t get to it for a long time (at least 6 months to level 40 – probably 2.5 years to finish WK at my current pace personally). It is also harder reading native material when there’s no furigana (because searching by radicals isn’t that fun – doable but no fun). It is certainly, easier to look them up by readings than radicals.
Of course, if people just learn kanji, then WK might struggle as they do have to pay bills…while the WK folks want everyone to learn, they have to keep the lights on and the staff paid. But one option that would be nice to have is a kanji only path (no vocab). That said, assuming you were willing to sacrifice the vocab for pure kanji…. imagine how quickly you could learn to read kanji and at least learn the readings and then move onto vocab. May not be the best path for everyone, but certainly one possible option. Or possibly a hybrid option …but in any case, the only way to do this is with scripts and is sort of like cheating. Just for the record I’m going through WK the normal way with vocab and everything….at this point.
Also wanted to include the positives here…. don’t want anyone to think I’m only focused on the things WK could/should do better…so to add a couple of additional positive thoughts about WK overall.
1. The staff at WK appear to honestly want you to do well
The staff at WK appear to honestly want you to do well and want to see you succeed in your Japanese studies. They respond to emails quickly and are very supportive. Yes, it’s a business but they really do want you to be successful. (Or they are really good at faking it)
2. The forums and 99.9% of the people here
The forums and 99.9% of the folks here (with the occasional exception from time to time from one oddball crank). People are very helpful and this is a great community for all things Japanese to all things non-Japanese….if you ever wanna kill time go to the campfire thread…. (on second thought….go do your reviews) hehe
Now I should probably go do my reviews…but didn’t want to leave my post as I had left it originally given it was clicked as a solution. Good luck everyone!