Frustration with KaniWani

Hey all!

My apologies if a similar topic has been posted about this issue specifically, though I looked and didn’t find anything.

I use KaniWani pretty diligently, always after my WaniKani reviews. However, over time I’ve been getting frustrated with reviews of vocab on KaniWani with same meaning but different kanji -for example, 女の子 and 少女. In this case, it’ll tell me to answer the reading for ‘young lady’, and if I type in the reading for 少女 but KaniWani was looking for the 女の子 reading, it’ll be marked as incorrect when there is no way I could have known which specific vocab they meant. Same goes for 母 and お母さん、女 and 女の人, 父 and お父さん、etc.

Do I just have to take the incorrect answer and let it be? Or is there a way around this to clarify which vocab they want you to say the reading for? I wish it would just shake like in WK when you type on’yomi instead of kun’yomi so you know to type the other reading.

Sorry for the lil rant. Even if theres no solution, feels better to complain a bit. thanks for your attention~


Add synonyms


There have been similar threads and solutions within them. The most common, as has been said, is to add synonyms (I mean, there is an “add synonym” button right there). But this should be done somewhat sparingly, because there are some nuances that are important to distinguish. This is why it’s important to get context sentences so you can see when one word fits better than the other.

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And if you want to join in on Kaniwani complaining, here you go.

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There are reasons I switched from KaniWani to Anki.

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I strongly suggest that you use the “ignore script”. English is not my native language, and sometimes I can understand the meaning but dont remember the exactly english word that WK wants, in this case I often use the ignore script to mark the anwer as correct and life goes on. The ignore script is the answer for yours problems, but use it with extreme care.

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You can ignore wrong answers in KaniWani by default. It’s built into the site.

Add synonyms in Wanikani, and they will appear in your KW question - you could even go so far as to add to 母 → “not お母さん”.

When wrong on KW, [Add Synonym] or press “s” on keyboard, it’ll be prefilled with your answer and add a link to jisho button [?] to double check the meaning (and copy kanji if you’re not using an IME). When you add a synonym it will ignore your incorrect answer for you, and return it to the quiz.

There’s just no easy way for us to decide which of the 6000 vocab items should be allowed for any given WK meaning, and even if we added similar words to each other - we don’t want to have lots of manual links that don’t come from your WK data. If the WK meanings are identical we allow them as alternate answers. Though most are only similar, with slightly different nuances - so we leave it to the user to decide.

Is 女の子 the same as 少女? Some would say yes, I would say no.
If you say yes, add them as synonyms.

When learning a new vocab word on WK during a lesson, I’ve taken to always adding more meaning synonyms from Jisho/Alc. Plus you learn a bit more about the word and its uses at the same time.

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I had similar issues as OP when using Anki, but maybe it was the deck I used.

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^ Solved the problem by adding links to multiple dictionaries, add synonyms and edit meaning as needed.

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Thanks very much!