I’m trying to strictly follow “10 lessons per day” (to avoid getting overwhelmed with reviews; it doesn’t matter if the lessons are with radicals, kanji or vocabulary - “ten means ten”; Maybe in the future I’ll increase it but current pace is just nice and I’m not in any hurry). Currently I try to manage it in my head - I get up in the morning, do all reviews and then do 10 new lessons (and then reviews occasionaly throughout the day) but sometimes I can’t do session in the morning or I get wound up in something and I’m not sure if I’ve done lessons that day or not). Obviously I can mark it in calendar but it would be tremendously useful if I could not think about it and just let WK (or some userscript) manage that for me.
I found [Userscript] WaniKani Lesson Cap but it’s a little bit more complicated that I need.
(while writing this post I also found [Userscript] Wanikani Heatmap which could help to some degree)
Any other options?