Just wanted to know if this was still a thing the community was working on?
Old post is archived here: https://community.wanikani.com/t/Fake-Levels-61-70-無限-INFINITY/15483
Please delete if unnecessary.
Just wanted to know if this was still a thing the community was working on?
Old post is archived here: https://community.wanikani.com/t/Fake-Levels-61-70-無限-INFINITY/15483
Please delete if unnecessary.
I will probably use my own material extracted from 10K breakdown level 61. But, not now.
Probably after I finish either N3/N2 vocabs or reach lv60.
I give extracted Kanji a higher priorty than 常用漢字, newspaper frequency, or N1.
I don’t know how to batch add info to the Kanji. (I guess the answer would be JSON, but I don’t know how to operate it.)
For the vocab, export the Excel file as *.csv, import *.csv to Anki, and use Core 10K’s note type.
Wait, are neither 嬉 nor 潰 included in any WaniKani levels? Or 叶? I mean, most of the kanji listed in that first post are completely alien to me, but a few are pretty recognisable…
Yeah. Rest assured, no duplicates.
If you’re a fan of systematic learning, these kanjis are a great addition on top of WaniKani. You’ll encounter them sooner than later in your reading.
Are there any plans to do an “official” 60-70? I hope they do it – I would like to some day take the N1 test. My understanding is that level 60 does not quite get you all the way there.
According to rfindley’s stat site, all of N3-N2 is included to lv51 (originally, there were 50 levels in WaniKani) Now, up to level 60, there would still be many N1 left. You can check the stat site.
Speaking of which, I have encounter a kanji not included in any list as well. I guess even lv70 or N1 isn’t enough.
If you love Kanji, how about taking 漢字検定 test? There are many apps in Japan for this.
I just don’t want to learn Kanji, with no associated vocabs, so I basically hate most of the entries in here: 常用漢字, newspaper frequency, or N1.
I am adding Lv71 to my core 10K Lv61-70 list, based on https://community.wanikani.com/t/Fake-Levels-61-70-無限-INFINITY/15483, while copying data from Jisho.org.
Looks like this:
And currently, I am slowing editing 1 level per 1 day, while removing duplicates.
If you are interested in helping me, I can give you the right to edit this, but it is “View-only” for now, for my data’s safety.
BTW, do you know how common is the Kanji in 啜る? It is not in all of 常用漢字, newspaper frequency, or N1. I am adding that extra one to my list.
BTW2, if you have a text file of all preferred Kanji, like this⇓ I might be able to add all of them to my list.
BTW3, there is a chunk of Javascript on Anki I have been working on, with partial failure that I might never be able to solve. Need help with JavaScript in Anki - #3 by polv
In Anki, desktop version, it looks like this:
However, the editing screen, it looks like this:
In AnkiDroid, it is the mixture of the two:- the bottom one appears correctly. That is exactly why this one is still working for me.
///Update (8 Apr 2016)
Remove duplicates in Lv61-70 (by improved algorithm)
NB: Lv61-70 is broken down from the original Core 10k breakdown Lv61; with about 40 vocab per level, no duplicate AFAIK.
Current version, I added level 71’s vocabs.
Level 71 is based on Kanji from https://community.wanikani.com/t/Fake-Levels-61-70-無限-INFINITY/15483, while copying “common words” from Tangorin.
Also, added more information in the Kanji section (level 71).
If you would help me, that would be suggesting additional Kanji or additional useful vocabs.
I planned to do Lv 72 as all the remaining Kanji in N1, anyways.
Impressive work! Might take a look when I will be 60. I intend to at least do the N1 kanjis before starting with the ones I am encountering in my readings. I will let you know if I find some kanjis not listed there! Keep up the good work
Been away busy with work lately. These are awesome, thank you for sharing!! How can I add these back into Anki from the spread sheets?
save as *.csv and then Import file into Anki.
How to import is roughly similar to here: https://wanikanitoanki.com/docs.
However, as you see, much easier to create a deck on a spreadsheet.
Note type for Kanji list is “WaniKani”. (Actually, a modification of this one.)
Note type for Lv 61-70 is “10k Vocab WK mod”, according to Core 10k by hinekidori.
Note type for Lv 71, Lv 61-70 extra is “WaniKani”. (Actually, another modification of this one.)
Note type for the remaining 3 sheets is “WKnai Kanji”
Furthermore, I make sure that the first Kunyomi or Onyomi of each Kanji is the one that should be remembered first (chosen and re-sorted manually by peeking at the vocab).
I have completed version 1.0, focusing on Core 10K breakdown Lv 61, and some additional Kanji. Too bad, many Kanji in N1 are still not covered.
Current additional Kanji
The first reading of “emphasis” is to be remembered first. I also looked up “common words” outside core 10K. I still worry on whether remembering just Kunyomi is enough?
How did you guys study Kanji in Dark Ages (before WaniKani), anyway?
Current version: finish add 61 extra, 62 extra, …, 70 extra to cover On and other additional Kanji readings. It is my personal selection, so I can’t guarantee it will go well.
I’m pretty interested in how it turns out, since I’ll be done with Wanikani’s material soon. It could be awesome if it was combined with Hinekidori’s anki template.
I have finished researching N1 Kanji, so I could probably call this, “Stage 1 completed”. Stage 2 would be my personal test drive.
So many sheets in the original version, so I decided to simplify things a bit for easier exporting to Anki.
I also created a sheet for “Common words” with N1 kanji.
////Edit (11/4/60)
Added 61-70 selected extra vocab to both files. This is for my personal use after finishing level 60, of course.
常用漢字 appears to be an interesting bunch, with so many associated “common” words.
Beyond kanji in core 10k, there are 40 remaining Kanji in 常用 and N1; and 40 in 常用 but outside N1. For each 40 常用漢字’s, there are like 100+ common words each, so it would be interesting to learn 常用漢字.
For newspaper frequency and remaining N1, it is more about fancy Kanji (with memorable Kun readings) or associated with names. It might be worth remembering, if you like “beautifulness of Kanji”. (About 40 common words for each 40 kanji.)
So, level:
61-70: remaining Kanji in core 10k
71: Custom list of Kanji
72, 78: 常用漢字
73-75: Newspaper frequency
76-77: the remaining N1 Kanji
72-77: N1 Kanji
At least, I plan to do level 61-72, 78 after finishing level 60. Only 13 extra useful levels.
So, I decided to brush things up a bit and rounded the number. I plan to finish level 70 or 75. It has to be a round number. Also, uploaded to Anki.
BeyondWK Kanji (Dropbox - BeyondWK-Kanji.apkg - Simplify your life)
BeyondWK Vocab (Dropbox - BeyondWK-Vocab.apkg - Simplify your life)
Lv 71-75 BEYOND
Also, loaded with my favorite Anki settings
How to use?
The spreadsheet is also updated (new file, with only 5 sheets):-
Just want to say this is awesome. I have a ways to go before it’s useful, but thanks for creating it!
Add Jinmeiyo Kanji (used in names) Lv 76-80 of 50 kanji each. With number of hits, based on Kanji in Names.
Now, it surprises me. Why isn’t 澤 taught or included in any list?